Credit Secrets Review: New Smart Money Credit Score Repair Secrets Book

Smart Money Secret is a 190-page book about giving readers Credit Secrets designed to repair your credit score in 2020 using a proven method system setup by Scott & Alison Hilton that was featured on Larry King.


Credit Secrets is a credit score repair book that claims to solve your financial problems. By following the lessons in the book, you can improve your credit score significantly leveraging the methods outlined in the Smart Money Credit Secrets system.

Credit Secrets just launched a new marketing campaign with updated information in 2020. You may have seen Credit Secrets advertised on Larry King Special Report, where the book was described as “190 pages to get your life back on track” using the Smart Money Secret Method outlined in the book.

“If you’re struggling in your financial life…this little book could be the answer to all your prayers,” explains Larry King.

You can buy Credit Secrets online today for $39.

Credit Secrets has also been marketed online under the name “Smart Money Secret”. The two books are the same.

Will Credit Secrets really transform your financial future? Can a single book really improve your credit? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about Credit Secrets, the Secret Money Method,, and

Watch the Smart Money Credit Secrets System Now

What is Credit Secrets?

Credit Secrets is a financial advice book that promises to help you improve your credit score. By implementing the lessons in the secret credit score repair book, you can improve your personal credibility rating and protect your financial future by implementing the Smart Money Method and Credit Secrets system.

The eBook is marketed online with claims of significant credit improvement. One reader claims to have improved credit from 629 (Poor) to 749 (Good) within just two weeks, for example. Another person raised their score 180 points in a short period of time.

The book was written by Scott and Alison Hilton. After financial difficulties, the Hiltons’ credit scores plummeted to the 400 to 500 range. Then, a friend working for a credit bureau told them about a 100% legal strategy they could use to improve their credit score. Alison improved her credit score by 300 points within just 90 days. The pair decided to share the secret with the world.

As part of a recent marketing campaign (both online and through Larry King Special Report), Credit Secrets is being sold with a package of digital products, including a quickstart guidebook, a guide to improving business credit, and a moneymaking system called Secret Money Method.

Credit Secrets is mostly marketed towards people with bad credit scores or poor financial health. However, the authors claim the lessons can be implemented by anybody.

How Does Smart Money Credit Secrets Work?

Credit Secrets promises to improve your credit score almost instantly. Some of the specific promises made by Scott and Alison Hilton include:

  • How to get $1,500 in new available credit instantly with no credit check required
  • How to improve your business credit
  • How to improve your credit score within just 24 hours

The Credit Secrets book is filled with strategies for improving credit score. However, a significant number of customer testimonials on the Credit Secrets page are from people who used Smart Money Secret products to raise their credit score. Smart Money Secret products are similar to Credit Secrets but sold separately.

The sales page for Credit Secrets and Smart Money Secret is filled with dozens of reports of real people raising their credit score by 100+ points.

How Can I Raise My Credit Score with Credit Secrets?

Credit Secrets shares actionable ways anyone can improve their credit score. As the sales page explains, you can expect to raise your credit score by double or triple digits by following the financial advice included in the book.

How does someone improve their credit score?

Here are some of the strategies explained in Credit Secrets:

  • Raise your available credit. Your available credit accounts for approximately one third of your credit score. You can raise your available credit by applying for more credit cards or accessing other sources of financing.
  • Removing negative items from your record. You can challenge certain items on your credit score. Removing these items can significantly raise your credit score.
  • Pay off bad debts. Paying off or consolidating bad debts can quickly improve your credit score.
  • Contact creditors with 11 magic words. The authors claim that adding 11 special words to a creditor letter can significantly improve the chances of removing a negative debt from your record.

Credit Secrets claims that many of their tips can improve credit scores in as little as 24 hours. As mentioned above, Alison Hilton improved her credit score by 300+ points within 90 days by implementing the tips shared in the book.

Credit Secrets Reviews: Do Customers Really Raise Their Credit Scores?

Most of the Credit Secrets reviews online seem exaggerated or fake. There are pictures of people buying yachts, multi-million dollar homes, and high-end vehicles, for example, claiming that the Credit Secrets book was the secret they needed to transform their life.

Fortunately, Credit Secrets recently conducted a survey of its customers to determine the average increase in credit score. Here’s what Credit Secrets found:

“In a recent survey of our membership, the average credit score increase was reported by members as 61 points in 60 to 90 days.”

That’s a significant difference, but it’s not quite as dramatic as the results posted on the Credit Secrets sales page. Credit Secrets heavily promotes stories of people raising credit scores by 200+ points, for example, when in reality, half of all members increase credit score by less than 61 points within 60 to 90 days.

Credit Secrets is also listed on book review aggregator, where readers have given the book an average rating of 3.48/5 with 150+ reviews.

Many of the positive reviews are similar: readers praise Credit Secrets for offering simple, actionable ways that anyone can improve their credit score. One positive reviewer claimed the book was “better than hiring a credit repair company”, although she cautioned that you have to implement a lot of tips on your own.

Credit Secrets Pricing

Credit Secrets is priced at $39.

You can pay online via Visa or MasterCard.

Click here to watch the Larry King Special Report on the Credit Secrets book and see if the smart money method system is right for you.

What’s Included with Credit Secrets?

Your $39 purchase of Credit Secrets includes the main Credit Secrets book and several bonuses:

  • Credit Secrets Book: This is the main Credit Secrets book.
  • Credit Secrets Guide to Business Credit eBook: This eBook explains how starting a business lets you access business loans and lines of credit while doing something you love.
  • Credit Secrets Quickstart Guide eBook: This is a step-by-step guide that tells you how to implement the Credit Secrets lessons as quickly as possible.
  • Secret Money Method eBook: This eBook explains how to access up to $1,500 worth of new credit in under an hour, including “little known online sources” where you can build up your available credit even if your scores are low.

Credit Secrets Hidden Fees

There are hidden fees attached to your Credit Secrets purchase. At the bottom of the order page, you’ll see a checkbox beside, “Yes! Another Free Bonus!”. That box (which is already checked) explains that you are receiving a free two week trial to the Smart Money Club private Facebook group.

After your free two week trial is complete, you will be billed $29 automatically to remain a member of the group.

You will continue to be billed $29 per month ($348 per year) until you contact the company to cancel.

Credit Secrets Refund Policy

Credit Secrets has a 30 day refund policy. You can contact the company anytime within 30 days of your purchase for a full 100% refund with no questions ask.

However, the refund policy gets even better. If you commit to using the Credit Secrets program for 90 days, follow the guidelines, and find your score does not improve, then you can send back the book and receive double your money back.

Who Are Scott and Alison Hilton?

Scott and Alison Hilton wrote Credit Secrets after saving their family from financial disaster. They dug themselves into a hole, then escaped that hole and took control of their credit, finances, and lives. Now, they’ve written a book sharing their experience.

Alison Hilton claims she had a great paying job and a good life, and then everything changed overnight. She lost her job, and debt collectors soon started calling. Her credit score dropped to 588. Even after paying debt collectors, her score did not improve. She was disappointed to discover that even after paying old debts, negative items stayed on the credit report for seven years.

Eventually, Alison and her husband met “a family friend named Jay, who had worked inside the credit industry for years”. Jay explained “inside information” that “would transform their financial lives, forever.”

Jay’s advice included a shortcut to improving their credit score. The shortcut is 100% legal. Within just 90 days, Alison raised her credit score from 588 all the way to 781.

Scott, meanwhile, also had a poor credit score. After implementing the credit shortcut, he improved his score from 476 to 751, although it took him longer than 90 days.

After experiencing success with this credit score shortcut, the two decided to share it with friends, family, and now the rest of the world.

The two have been marketing Credit Secret online since 2017. It’s unclear what type of background the Hiltons have, although neither claim to be certified financial advisors or licensed credit repair experts.

What is Smart Money Secret?

Smart Money Secret is a financial advice book written by Scott and Alison Hilton.

The book contains similar advice to Credit Secrets: you’ll discover actionable ways to improve your credit score.

In fact, as far as we can tell, Smart Money Secret and Credit Secrets are the same book – they’re just marketed under slightly different names.

Both Smart Money Secret and Credit Secrets have been marketed online since 2016 or 2017.

Is Credit Secrets a Scam?

As far as we can tell, Credit Secrets is not a scam. You pay $39 and receive the Credit Secrets book, which offers 190 pages of advice on improving your credit score.

However, Credit Secrets seems to be marketed online in a dishonest way.

By buying Credit Secrets, you are quietly signed up for a free two week trial of the Credit Secrets Facebook group (the box is automatically checked to confirm the subscription). Once that two week trial is complete, your credit card will automatically be charged $29 per month (!) to remain an active member of the group.

We also have a problem with the types of credit score improvements that Credit Secrets advertises online. Customers are led to believe they’ll improve their credit score by 200 to 300 points, for example, based on testimonials.

In reality, the average Credit Secrets user improves their credit score by 61 points within 60 to 90 days. That’s still a significant improvement – but it’s much different from what’s advertised by Credit Secrets online.

Final Word

Credit Secrets, previously marketed as Smart Money Secret, is a book that teaches you how to improve your credit score. The book explains how to raise your available credit and improve your credit score within as little as 24 hours, for example.

The book was written by Scott and Alison Hilton, who experienced financial problems before turning their lives around thanks to “insider advice” from a friend who worked for a credit bureau.

To learn more about Credit Secrets and how it works, visit the company online today at

Watch the Larry King Interview on Smart Money Credit Secrets Book


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