Bitcoin Revolution Review: Crypto Trading Bot for Profitable Returns?

Bitcoin Revolution is a popular automated crypto trading bot system that claims to help users earn cryptoassets based on the platform's opportunity to microtrade day and night - but is it legit?

Bitcoin Revolution Review

With global interest in the crypto market peaking once again, a number of investors are trying to get a piece of the action before the ongoing bull market subsides. To put things into perspective, over the course of the past week or so, Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency in the world by total market capitalization, was able to gain a value quotient of nearly 30%. Not only that, Bitcoin too has been surging quite a bit recently, with the premier digital currency recently crossing the $10,500 threshold, thereby leading many experts to believe that big thing are in store for the virtual currency market in the coming few months.

Let's review Bitcoin Revolution, a popular cryptocurrency trading bot that bills itself as a profitable return on investment platform that helps give users an opportunity to earn bitcoin automatically.

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What is Bitcoin Revolution? Can it be trusted?

According to the official company website, Bitcoin Revolution is an automated trading solution that makes use of advanced computational tools to source out the best crypto deals available in the market at any given point in time

With that being said, it should be pointed out that none of the outlandish claims that have been put forth by the creators of Bitcoin Revolution have any substance to them since there is no factual data to back them up. For example, the software claims to help users make profits in excess of $1,000 per week, however, there is no evidence available for the same.

Some Key Facets of Bitcoin Revolution that Seem Dubious

(i) No Details of Broker Affiliations:

Even though the creators of Bitcoin Revolution claim that their software is verified by a number of different professional brokers (so as to ensure the safety of one’s funds), there is no data available to substantiate this bold assertion. In fact, there is no evidence to suggest that the software is affiliated or has ever been cleared by any noteworthy financial authority at all.

(ii) Poor Quality Website:

Usually, high-quality automated crypto trading systems feature websites that are quite well made and present their users with a host of pertinent data regarding the product at hand. However, Bitcoin Revolution’s landing page is full of grammatical errors, false data as well as a number of spelling mistakes.

(iii) No Team Details Available:

One of the first signs that should set off a red flag in the minds of all investors is when a crypto-related offering does not provide them with details of their core development team. In this regard, it bears mentioning that Bitcoin Revolution’s website does not feature any of the names of any of the folks associated with this project.

(iv) Web-Based System:

Bitcoin Revolution’s automated trading system is completely web-based which means that in case hackers are able to break into the platform’s digital interface, customers may lose their funds forever.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bitcoin Revolution

Q: How Does Bitcoin Revolution Work?

Bitcoin Revolution is basically an automated trading system that employs mathematically curated bots designed to weed out the best crypto buy/sell opportunities in the market at any given point in time. On paper, the platform looks to be quite resourceful, however, the creators of the system have not provided any insights as to how they devised their software.

Q: What Returns Can One Expect Through the Use of Bitcoin Revolution?

According to the official company website, users can earn around $1,000 a day by putting in minimal effort. However, this claim is totally baseless and there is no evidence to suggest that the technology underlying Bitcoin revolution has the potential to generate such amazing returns that too within such short time-frames.

Q: How Much Does Bitcoin Revolution Cost?

Interested users can start making use of the platform absolutely free of cost. However, there is a catch involved — i.e. in order to start trading, users need to make a minimum seed deposit of around $250. This is a common scam that is used quite frequently by nefarious individuals when trying to promote a product within the crypto sector.

Q: What are the Bitcoin Revolution Withdrawals and Hidden Fees?

The creators of Bitcoin Revolution claim that investors can facilitate withdrawals of any amount at any time in a totally hassle-free manner. Not only that, there are no peripheral fees involved with the use of this platform. All this sounds too good to be true since most high-quality crypto trading systems levy some sort of nominal charges to cover for their day to day operational costs.

Q: Is Bitcoin Revolution a Scam?

In our humble opinion, Bitcoin Revolution is an out and out scam since it makes a number of bold claims without providing us with any hard evidence. For example, none of the developers or key personnel associated with this project have been mentioned on the official company website. This is a sure shot sign that the project has been designed to serve as a quick cash grab scheme. Secondly, the overall build quality of the Bitcoin Revolution website is extremely poor (i.e. it is full of basic grammatical errors).

Verdict — Avoid, Seems like a Scam

Even though we cannot say for sure whether Bitcoin Revolution is an out-and-out scam or not, there are many aspects of the product that seem to be shady, to say the least. For investors/crypto enthusiasts looking to make use of an automated VC trading system, we would like to urge them to explore other options available in the market.

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