The YTA Method Masterclass by Caleb Maddix: Live Event Details

The YTA Method and YTA Masterclass by Caleb Maddix is a new online free training course that lasts 8 weeks to help entrepreneurs discover a new way to profit from YouTube's video platform.


The YTA Masterclass from Caleb Maddix has gathered many positive reviews and a lot of buzz, seeing it’s a very efficient method of teaching people how to make money on YouTube without them having to make videos or spend anything on ads.

Who Is the Founder of YTA?

Caleb Maddix, the creator of YTA, is only 18 years old and a visionary entrepreneur who earns 8-figure sums. Aside from all this, he’s a social media influencer, an author and a keynote speaker at international events. He co-founded a company that educates over 100,000 kids and is known online by more than 10 million people.

Caleb is evaluated at somewhere between $15 and $30 million. His viral social media videos have reached over 40 million people. He was also voted amongst The Top Entrepreneurs Under 30 and The Top 20 Most Motivational People on the Planet, being featured in Forbes, on ABC News, Fox News, in Huffington Post and many other famous publications. Ethical, Caleb has earned the respect and admiration of millions of people and leaders in the YouTube industry.

The YTA Method Explained by Caleb in a Broadcast

Caleb is planning to host a live event in which he’s going to explain how to take advantage of the best opportunities in the YouTube industry. His online free training will let people know:

How he turned a kids’ game YouTube activity into the YTA strategy, an opportunity that could bring anyone a substantial passive income just by applying the real estate investing principles.

His discussions with a surprise guest who used the YTA method and created more than 2,000 streams of income out of which 12 are created each day.

How people with absolutely no previous YouTube experience are making a living through YouTube channels just by using the YTA method and investing only a little of their free time into YouTube.

How the OPC Hack system can turn YouTube earnings into a scientific method of making money constantly.

The case studies and screenshots of people who know Caleb and have used the YTA method, with their YouTube channels presented.

How to Signup to the YTA Masterclass and Live Event

For now, the YTA Masterclass event is free to sign up and starts today! It has only a few open seats left, so those who want to join it should hurry to register because Caleb Maddix has the most interesting to say when it comes to earning a considerable passive income from YouTube.


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