Tim Bohen’s The Penny Stock Letter: New Cellular Extraction Technology?

The Penny Stock Letter by Tim Bohen is all about a new patented cellular extraction breakthrough and the one company who could stand to profit from this long-lost fountain of youth secret.


The new Penny Stock Letter by Tim Bohen was recently released to share an urgent medical breakthrough regarding a “United States Patented ‘Cellular Extraction' Breakthrough Reveals Long-Lost Fountain of Youth Secret”. Let's review the details of what is made available thus far about Tim Bohen's The Penny Stock Letter report.

What is the Patented Cellular Extraction Technology?

The patented Cellular Extraction technology is founded by a firm that focuses on reversing the signs of aging. Viewed as a “medical miracle technology”, some of the types of health conditions it aims to possibly treat include diabetes, liver and kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, and macular degeneration among others. These are common concerns that cannot be easily treated and to think that some firm was able to find a solution through the use of technology is the highlight here.

As per the presentation put together by Tim Bohen, “How to Amass a Retirement Fortune from The Biggest Medical Breakthrough in History”, investors should be curious about this newly developed technology, as it is likely to bring in gains for this year.

Who is Tim Bohen?

Tim Bohen a pro investor who specializes in trading cheap stocks. His approach to trading involves picking a niche, journal trades and finding appropriate setups that naturally make sense [1]. Some of the strategies that he heavily relies on is taking advantage of volatility and trading two stocks at a time, where the latter induces him to get comfortable with a company’s fundamentals and filings shares news outlet, Benzinga. Hence, these will probably be present in his Penny Stock Letter.

What can investors expect from The Penny Stock Letter?

In order to gain access to information detailing the overall usefulness of cellular extraction technology and its function, investors are required to become a monthly member of The Penny Stock Letter. What will investors get out of a monthly subscription like this? Let’s take a look:

  • 12 monthly Penny Stock Trade Research and Recommendations available for immediate download
  • A guide on “How to Amass a Retirement Fortune from the Biggest Medical Breakthrough in History”
  • A guide on “The Complete Penny Stock Course: Learn How to Generate Profits Consistently by Trading Penny Stocks”
  • A 7-Part Video Series called, “Retire Rich with Penny Stocks”
  • Weekly updates on 5 stocks to be watchful of

How much does it cost to become a member?

The original price to make use of such information is normally $98 with a 90-days moneyback guarantee, but as a limited time offer, the very same additions will cost investors $49 with a 180-days money back guarantee. This has been done to give each individual enough time to process the information and to assess whether such a service meets their needs.


Cellular extraction technology is popular among biologists who are eagerly looking to study how individual cells behave in comparison to a group of cells. This allows for a closer look into single cell analysis and even molecular analyses – possibly allowing society to even identify cells of rare types and their usefulness in humans. Hence, there is so much room for growth in this particular sector.

That said, Tim Bohen trusts his research capabilities leading him to initiate the Penny Stock Letter. With this monthly subscription plan, investors will have access to the latest news in this respective industry and how to take advantage of penny stocks. Obviously with trading comes risks, as his predictions can easily go wrong, but this is the minimum one should expect. Given that he has done similar services in the past and has devoted a great amount of his time in research, this service seems reliable.

To learn more about Tim Bohen’s The Penny Stock Letter, click here.


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