Schaeffer’s Weekend Player: Investment Trading Series Research?

Schaeffer's Weekend Player series by Bernie Schaeffer is an investment research subscription that helps bring traders profitable opportunities with just a few minutes per week of effort.


Weekend Player is a brand-new service created by Bernie Schaeffer. It combines what’s best from 2 of the other very popular Schaeffer services:

  • Weekend Trader Series
  • Player Series

This means it brings a serious profit potential for those who don’t have the time to analyze the market and to do their research in order to trade.

What Do I Get with Weekend Player?

The Weekend Player includes:

  • 7 pm ET weekly trades every Sunday
  • Up to 200% target gains per trade
  • A Chart of the Week put together by Bernie Schaeffer himself
  • Straight calls and puts purchases

What this service offers is a chance to target the highest profits, all without having to spend time analyzing and researching the market. It sends trade recommendation that target 200% gains every Sunday evening, at 7pm ET. The experts behind Weekend Player know when money can be doubled and even tripled, also when to enter or to exit a trade. Since the report is sent every Sunday night, there’s plenty of time for players to review their trades just before the week begins again.

How Can I Use Weekend Player?

The process of using Weekend Player is simple and straightforward. 1 or 2 weekly trades that target an up to 200% potential gain and are a put purchase or a straight call will be sent by the Weekend Player team by email every Sunday at 7 pm ET. Each trade will be accompanied by the profit objective, a commentary and the time stop.

The open and the closeout of the trade can be set up immediately. When it comes to the option premiums, these are sure to cost somewhere in between $3 and $8, which is not at all that much considering how hot the trades will be. Positions will be kept open from 1 to 3 months, so money won’t be tied up for too long.

The free online trading handbook that comes with Weekend Player includes great money management guidelines and everything a player needs to know in order to trade successfully. 1 or 2 Charts of the Week will be sent, each annotated with recommendations for every trade.

Why is the Weekend Player So Popular?

There are good reasons to why Schaeffer’s Weekend Player has gained so much popularity. For example, it’s the simplest way for trading options and very easy to understand. Besides, it offers the best recommendations when it comes to gaining serious profits. Another amazing thing about it is that it takes the advice from Weekend Trader Series and Players Series to a whole new level, these 2 services already being very famous for their efficiency.

For instance, the Players Series is all about targeting big winners with huge gains potential and backed by the most solid performance. Profits of up to 200% can be attained just by spending an hour with Weekend Player, every Sunday evening. The subscription is available as it follows:

  • $149 for 1 month
  • $395 for 3 months
  • $995 for 12 months

To learn more about Schaeffer's Weekend Player, visit the Schaeffer Investment Research website.


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