The Investment of the Decade by Teeka Tiwari: What Is It?

Teeka Tiwari's new Palm Beach Letter special broadcast is The Investment of the Decade and details how to take full advantage of his Genesis Technology opportunity.


Teeka Tiwari's Investment of the Decade is a new special broadcast of his highly popularly, wildly successful Palm Beach Letter newsletter research program.

While there is not much information available as to all of the inner workings of The Investment of the Decade, let's review Teeka Tiwari's track record as well as some of his other popular programs like Alpha Edge and Crypto Income Quarterly. But first, a breakdown of The Investment of the Decade.

Watch The Investment of the Decade with Teeka Tiwari Today

What is The Investment of the Decade?


Teeka Tiwari is the leading editor and researcher of the Palm Beach Letter who has spent millions of his own dollars and traveled to 14 different countries to connect and network with the movers and shakers of various industries all over the world. From cryptocurrency picks to cannabis stocks to global financial investment opportunities, Teeka is one of the most accomplished advisors in the world.

His latest special broadcast is called The Investment of the Decade and it is all about the mad rush taking place in corporate America involving Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook.

What do these global giants all have in common? According to Teeka, they are all making substantial bets on a new emerging technology that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is projecting to explode in growth over the next seven years that has nothing to do with artificial intelligence (AI), 5G wireless technology or the Internet of Things (IoT).

Teeka Tiwari's Investment of the Decade is centered around something the financial savant calls “Genesis Technology” and wants to reveal how to turn $1,000 into $1.6 million dollars using Palm Beach Letter's Investment of the Decade blueprint.

Before we dive into all the details on how to get the inside scoop on this groundbreaking technology, let's answer a few questions about who Teeka is and what he has done to date.

Who is Teeka Tiwari?

Teeka's public story starts at the ripe young age of 16 where he moved from Europe to North America and relocated in the big apple, New York City with only $150 to his name. Just four years later, Teeka became Shearson Lehman's Vice President at the age of 20, making him the youngest ever to hold the position. This leverage made him a millionaire by the age of 23 and successfully retired just seven years later as a successfully hedge fund manager. Then, why everyone actually knows the life story of Teeka Tiwari, in 2016 he launched The Palm Beach Letter and became the leading editor of a newsletter program that investing legends like Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn and Bill Gross would be proud of today.

How to Get The Investment of the Decade?

Teeka Tiwari's Investment of the Decade is all about how big the Genesis Technology will be in comparison to mega trends like IOT, AI and 5G.

genesis technology investment of the decade
How hig Genesis will be versus 5G, AI and IOT

Prominent venture capitalist and creator of the first ever web browser, Marc Andreessen, called this “the most important technology since the Internet”. The Wall Street Journal called it “a foundational technology, like the internet and electricity”.

And the best part, Teeka believes we are at the perfect timing to get involved now and make it an investor's dream of the decade to come to life:

So what is this Genesis Technology? Its none other than distributed ledger technology, or blockchain. And the investment of the decade is all centered around the 3 best blockchain stocks of today. Here is a visual of the report

Here is what comes with Teeka Tiwari's Palm Beach Letter and the Investment of the Decade report:

  • 12 monthly subscriptions issued on the first thursday of every month
  • Blockchain Moonshots report featuring how to turn $1,000 into $1.6 million
  • The Davos Manifesto
  • Full customer support by his hand-picked financial specialists located in Delray Beach, Florida
  • one of a kind model portfolio access that shows all of Teeka's most bullish market investments
  • The Private Deals Bible – how to get on the inside of secret backdoor investment opportunities
  • A new fractional shares report on how to own classical art or vintage cars and flip for profits
  • exclusive ‘proprietary alert' send list to get real-time quick-hitting moves Teeka is making

Joining the Palm Beach Letter and getting the Investment of the Decade report comes with a 60-day satisfaction guarantee refund policy where you can review all of the research Teeka and his team have put together and get your money back should you not be impressed.

Click here now to watch the entertaining presentation put together by Teeka Tiwari.

teeka investment of the decade

As a bonus, make sure to check out Teeka's other programs, Alpha Edge and Crypto Income Quarterly.

Teeka Tiwari's Alpha Edge Overview

The Teeka Tiwari Alpha Edge program itself is not new, however he puts out new content for his monthly subscribers. The latest is the merger wave millionaires with Palm Beach Confidential partner William Mikula. While Teeka Tiwari is largely known for his hot and timely cryptocurrency picks, he is also the leading editor for Palm Beach and puts out a wealth of information under a few different names in a few different niches and verticals of financial investment.

We just wanted to put this on your radar as Teeka releases once in a decade opportunities to make a fortune in gold like his latest report called Merger Wave Millionaires.

In addition to Teeka's Investment of the Decade and Alpha Age, he also runs and sustains a Crypto Income Quarterly newsletter.

Crypto Income Quarterly: Learn to Build Wealth Digitally?

Crypto Income Quarterly is a digital subscription for a newsletter that discusses how to invest in tech royalties to make enough money to retire soon. Customers can sign up for the newsletter by visiting the Palm Beach Research Group website, where it is listed with all of the bonus materials as well.

What is Crypto Income Quarterly?

The investment world can be complicated to navigate, which are why programs to teach consumers to invest are so popular. Most of the time, this content features tips on what circumstances that consumers should look out for to invest. Then, there’s products that tell customers boldly what to invest in, but don’t have a high success rate. Luckily, there’s also the Crypto Income Quarterly newsletter, and it delivers important information that could make the different between lost money and major profits.

Crypto Income Quarterly is written and published by Teeka Tiwari, who is broadly known for his many recommendations in the financial industry. He’s developed Palm Beach Group, which offers many different newsletters and products to help guide consumers to the right financial decisions. Now, Tiwari is introducing the Crypto Income Quarterly by discussing a “new type of tech investment” that he says can help consumers collect royalties as the profit.

As Tiwari describes this tech opportunity, he states that they are “much better than stock dividends,” as they can provide a return of as high as over 9,000%. The information that Tiwari reveals is time sensitive, which makes it even more important to secure the investment before the opportunity is gone. Tiwari even states that the success of this program could allow the investor to retire in a matter of a year without concern for “running out of cash, for the rest of your life.”

Consumers will learn about the opportunities in tech royalties through Crypto Income Quarterly, which will allow Tiwari with lead analyst Greg Wilson to expose information on the Tech Royalty market every month. The investments only take about 15 to 30 minutes to take advantage of, and readers will also get a quarterly recommendation on the plays that consumers can make in this market to capitalize on their profits.

By enrolling in the subscription for these monthly newsletters, consumers will have access to research that would typically be sold to hedge funds and other investors for up to 40 times what this subscription costs. However, Tiwari simply states, “I have all the money I’ll ever need,” and that the opportunity for other consumers to invest is “emotionally satisfying.”

Apart from the cost of the subscription, Tiwari tells consumers that they just need $100 to $500 to make their first investment in his recommendations to start seeing the profit roll in.

What Else Is Included with Crypto Income Quarterly?

Along with the subscription to Crypto Income Quarterly, consumers will also have access to a piece of research called “How To Invest In Crypto Projects for Lifetime Income.” This report offers “master-class” level information on the potential for making income from the use of tech royalties. The content includes videos that guide consumers through the process of these investments.

Consumers will also get a second report with their subscription – “10 Cryptocurrency Income Special Situations That Could Hand You $81,624 a Year or More for Life.” This report shows ten situations, tracked by Wilson, which apply to the tech royalty market and stand to offer consumers major opportunities to earn upwards of $80,000 yearly.

As a special gift, Tiwari states that Wilson has offered his own “monthly insider briefing” called Wilson’s Crypto Insights. This report allows Wilson to show exclusive content about the adoption of tech royalties, but only a few people have been able to view this information before the release of Tiwari’s newsletter.

After becoming a member of Crypto Income Quarterly, consumers will also have access to the subscription’s portfolio, which includes top picks by Tiwari for tech royalties, as well as the ability to view all of the back issues available of the newsletter.

Signing Up for Crypto Income Quarterly

The total cost of the year-long subscription to Crypto Income Quarterly is $2,000. However, this is a huge discount from the typical full price. With the renewal of this subscription, the Palm Beach Research Group will charge the user $249 for the continuation. The only way to prevent this fee from being charged is to contact customer service at least a day before the renewal date. However, consumers can pause the subscription at any time if they aren’t fully prepared to leave the content behind.

If consumers find that, with 90 days, the newsletter doesn’t meet their needs or help them to get the profits they desire, they can get a full refund.

Contacting the Creators of Crypto Income Quarterly

For any other questions about Crypto Income Quarterly, consumers can reach out to customer service by calling 1-888-501-2598.


Crypto Income Quarterly may seem like a major financial investment, but the profits make up for the $2,000 spent on the newsletter. The product comes from Teeka Tiwari, who has a good reputation in the market for his success and may give consumers more confidence in the recommendations made by him. There’s information available about new investment opportunities with every monthly publication, and consumers are protected with a 90-day policy, just in case the program isn’t right for their needs. So far, the product seems to be giving investors success, and the promise of being able to retire might be enough of an incentive to give it a try.

Watch The Investment of the Decade with Teeka Tiwari Today


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