Bryan Bottarelli War Room: Pro Trader’s Overnight Trades Video Series

War Room by Pro Trader Bryan Bottarelli is all about using a Wall Street trading secret he calls "Overnight Trades" that he backs by a performance guarantee to double your money on the next opportunity.


Have you recently come across an advertisement dubbed “overnight trades” by Pro Trader Bryan Bottarelli? The one where all investors have to do is trade before 4pm, sleep on it and wake up “100% richer” the next day? If not, this is regarding his service called War Room.

Let review Pro Trader Bryan Bottarelli's War Room service to see what the ex-Chicago Exchange Trader has to say about the overnight trades strategy and if its right for you.

What is War Room Overnight Trades?

War Room is a service/chat room created by Bottarelli where he shares simple instructions on potential trades that can make profits. Specifically, he focuses on offering insight on overnight trades. Why overnight trades? As per the claims made, big money is made there, as players within Wall Street continue to trade even after the 4pm mark hits.

Who is Pro Trader Bryan Bottarelli?

Bryan Bottarelli serves as the Technical Options Expert at Investment U and is also the Founder of Monument Traders Alliance, an investment service that aims to bring investors big gains. His experience within the field has supposedly garnered the attention of many. For instance, he completed a business degree at Indiana University Kelley School of Business and right out of school, was trading stock options on Chicago Board Options Exchange. Interestingly, his knowledge was shaped by working alongside top floor traders during 1999 and 2000, which is what he aims to pay forward.

What makes War Room different from other similar services?

Usually, such investment-related services come with full support, however, they require a minimum of 24 to 48 hours of wait time. Additionally, most communication is done through emails. This is not the case with War Room, as everything is made to be instant and live, while eliminating wait time altogether.

What are the advantages of becoming a War Room member?

Members will not only have access to the chatroom, but also a number of guides and access to broaden and detailed knowledge. Here’s an overview of what can be expected:

Guide #1: “Getting Started as a War Room Trader”, which simply guides investors through the service

Guide #2: “Developing the Winning Mindset of a Pro Trader”, which shares tips on how to make changes to one’s perspective of things for optimal gains and going over safe investment strategies

12-month access to The War Room text alert system; offering instant updates to either one’s computer or cellular device

Overnight trades video series

How much does becoming a War Room member cost?

The original price typically ranges from $3,500 to $6,000 depending on the features preferred. However, as a limited time offer, Bottarelli is offering this service for a total cost of $2100 (i.e. $175 monthly).

Is War Room a legitimate service? Is this service for me?

The legitimacy of Bottarelli’s service has been question across many investors who have actually purchased it [1]. This is not to say that Bottarelli lacks experience. However, the problem appears to rest in the mere fact that the claims made in regard to the gains may have been a tad bit overestimated.

As per previous familiarities with the service, many found that the alerts were as advertised: instantaneous and consistent, which many were happy to see. The downside to this is due to the fact that the service is saturated. Some investors found that their orders didn’t fill. This saturation alone is deemed a determining factor as to how the market moves. Bearing this is mind, investors need to be on top of their game once the alerts are sent. Lastly, if one prefers options over stocks, Bottarelli’s service would be most appropriate, as he rarely spends time on stocks.

To learn more about Bottarelli’s War Room, click here.


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