Money Revealed Review


Money Revealed is a series of videos featuring millionaires discussing their secrets to wealth. The video series claims to share “what ultra-wealthy people know about money that you don’t”, including “how to get it, grow it and keep it.” The video series can be viewed for free online today through

Is Money Revealed worth the price? Let’s take a closer look at what’s included with Money Revealed.

What is Money Revealed?

Money Revealed is a series of videos featuring 36 self-made millionaires. Each millionaire discusses their secret to wealth. Covered topics include:

  • “What the rich know about money that nobody else does”
  • Opportunities today that will create the self-made millionaires and investors of tomorrow
  • How to avoid destructive financial forces like inflation that chip away at your money over time

There are 9 full-length videos in total featuring self-made millionaires like Robert Kiyosaki, known for his “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” brand. There’s also David Gardner, known for his “Motley Fool” brand. These millionaires and others explain the unique strategies they used to achieve financial success.

Video interviews are led by Dr. Patrick Gentempo, a chiropractor who recently embraced his filmmaking passion, along with documentary filmmaker Jeff Hays. The two produced the video under their filmmaking company, “Revealed Films”, which was previously known for creating Christ Revealed, a nine-part video series examining scientific evidence behind Jesus Christ.

What’s Included with Money Revealed?

Money Revealed includes nine episodes in total. You subscribe, then gain access to the episodes. Some of the episodes are only available for 24 hours, allowing subscribers to watch the videos over a 24 hour period and then never see the videos again. The videos include:

Episode 1: Robert Kiyosaki and David Gardner

Robert Kiyosaki, known for his “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, brand, is featured in episode one. Kiyosaki discusses debt, including how people use it and how the wealthy use it. He also discusses five investments “that legally wipe out your taxes”, then explains why not paying taxes is one of the best things you can do for the economy. Kiyosaki concludes his talk by explaining that economic collapse is inevitable.

David Gardner, meanwhile, explains how he built his brand, the “Motley Fool”, from a family joke into a thriving business. Other covered lessons in his talk include how a “small tweak” to traditional stock investing can make an enormous difference. Gardner concludes by explaining how to invest in stocks at any stage of life.

Episode 2: Garrett Gunderson and Ray Blanco

Garrett Gunderson wrote the New York Times Bestseller ‘Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths That Are Destroying Your Prosperity”. He has also grown his ‘Wealth Factory’ rand over the years. In his Money Revealed interview, Gunderson discusses how to save for retirement, how to avoid the three forces that erode retirement funds, and “the shocking truth about 401(k)s”. The truth is so shocking that the episode’s host, Dr. Patrick Gentempo, liquidated his holdings after the interview.

Ray Blanco, meanwhile, analyzes healthcare and tech investing, including a specific breakdown of blockchain investing.

Episode 3: Andy Tanner and Roger Hamilton

Andy Tanner’s interview focuses on explaining why the system is “rigged” to reduce your retirement savings, including “the unstoppable force” that sends stock markets tumbling – and how to avoid it.

Roger Hamilton then discusses the three phases of entrepreneurship, including how he got to the third phase where the real money starts to flow. Hamilton also explains why today is the best time in history to become massively wealthy.

Episode 4: Mike Dillard, Paul Zane Pilzer, and Ryan Moran

Mike Dillard explains the future of cryptocurrencies, including security token offerings and other investing strategies. Pilzer then discusses “the two-word criteria an investment must meet to free you from the need for work”. Moran concludes with a hack for creating “income on demand”, along with a step by step guide to creating your own multimillion dollar business.

Episode 5: John Mackey and Justin Harrison

Mackey joined a hippy commune and learned secrets of wealth from that commune. Now, he wants to share those secrets with viewers in his Money Revealed interview. Mackey also discusses the daily activities wealthy people do to stay wealthy.

Justin Harrison then discusses the series of events that led him to create a powerful business with passive cash flow, including how anyone can raise their business income to $10,000 per month.

Episode 6: Ron Phillips and Scott Picken

Phillips explains how to become wealthy by buying single family homes. He also discusses how his real estate portfolio become more valuable during the 2008 housing crash even as everyone else’s real estate portfolio was tanking.

Picken then focuses his discussion on paying for an exotic global traveler lifestyle with one type of asset. Picken also talks about how he’s “joining an ancient asset class with crypto technology” to eliminate poverty and create wealth for billions.

Episode 7: Patrick Byrne, Ali El Husseini, and Jonathan Johnson

Byrne discusses the future of cryptocurrencies, including how blockchain is changing the future of economies around the world. El Husseini then discusses blockchain further, including how governments around the world are taking advantage of blockchain technology. Johnson concludes by comparing bitcoin and the blockchain as like email and the internet: it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

If you want to learn where to invest your money in blockchain, then this is the Money Revealed episode to watch.

Episode 8: Ryan Levesque and Douglas Andrew

The “one-word strategy” Ryan used to profitably create 23 online businesses from home is discussed in this Money Revealed episode, along with the seven factors a market must have to make it a lucrative investment destination.

Douglas Andrew then discusses why investment accounts – like 401(k)s, IRAs, and other tax-deferred accounts – all have one built-in flaw. Andrew proposes using a “Rich Man’s Roth” to enjoy permanent tax-free returns.

Episode 9: Jason Fladlien and John Carter

Fladlien explains how he was able to grow his business by selling products on Amazon, including how to quickly analyze products to determine their value and avoid wasting time on unprofitable products.

John Carer, meanwhile, explains his experience with day trading and swing trading, including his thoughts on cryptocurrencies and his beliefs on how investors can make a lot of money in today’s economy.

And More

Other individuals interviewed throughout Money Revealed include:

  • Edward Griffin
  • Chris Shonk
  • Dave Blanchard
  • B. Glossinger
  • Jeff Socha
  • David Shamy
  • Jordan Adalla
  • Emmron Andrew
  • Tucker Max
  • Joel Bomgar
  • JT McCormick
  • DJ Barton
  • Ann Wilson
  • Kevin Thompson
  • Erico Rocha

Who’s Behind Money Revealed?

Money Revealed is produced by a company called Revealed Films.

Each Money Revealed interview is led by Dr. Patrick Gentempo or Jeff Hays. Dr. Gentempo is a chiropractor who has built an international business. In recent years, he has also explored his passion for filmmaking.

Jeff Hays, meanwhile, is a filmmaker and serial entrepreneur who has made documentaries that were “short-listed for an Academy Award”.

Dr. Gentempo and Jeff Hays are both partners at Revealed Films.

Prior to releasing Money Revealed, Dr. Gentempo and Jeff Hays teamed up to produce “Christ Revealed”, which explored scientific evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ over a series of 9 videos. The documentary was released in 2017.

What Will You Learn in Money Revealed?

The individuals interviewed in Money Revealed all seem to come from different backgrounds. Some were able to successfully grow a brand and teach other people how to be reach. Others grew their wealth in real estate or investing before writing books about what they learned.

Some of the lessons learned in Money Revealed include:

  • What the rich are trained to do that the poor and middle class are not
  • What the rich buy with debt that makes them richer
  • Banks, money, and corruption in America’s financial system, including the forces that chip away at retirement accounts
  • What money looks like through the eyes of the ultra-rich
  • Three words that free you from the need for work
  • How to put your money to work for a good cause and get a good return at the same time
  • Nine episodes interviewing the individuals listed above

Money Revealed Pricing: How Much Does It Cost?

In order to gain access to Money Revealed, you’ll need to submit your email address into the form on

Then, the videos will be emailed to you free of charge. You can watch the videos over a two week period, with each video available for 24 hours.

As far as we can tell, there are no additional costs for Money Revealed. However, you can expect to receive upsells for other courses and moneymaking programs in the future.

You can email for further information about the program.

Conclusion: Is Money Revealed Worth the Price?

Money Revealed is a series of 9 videos interviewing 27 wealthy individuals with diverse experience across many different industries. Across the 9 full-length videos, each individual discusses his or her ‘secrets’ to wealth. The videos are shot professionally by chiropractor-turned-filmmaker Dr. Patrick Gentempo, who also leads the interviews, along with his partner, documentary filmmaker Jeff Hays.

As far as we can tell, Money Revealed is genuinely free. After submitting your email to the online form, you’ll receive the link to the first video within one week.

To learn more about Money Revealed, visit online today at


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