Tom Gentile V3 Trader: Money Morning’s Triple-V Trade Protocol Effect

Tom Gentile and The V3 Effect, or Money Morning's Triple-V Trade Protocol is about an unprecedented phenomenon that could make investors millions with his 40X discovery.


Did you recently come across a presentation that started off with Mike Ward, publisher of Money Morning, affirming that one can become richer in a matter of three simple steps? Did he eventually introduce a trader named Tom Gentile? If you haven’t watched the entire presentation, this is regarding Gentile’s trading service called “The V3 Trader”.

Here’s everything that there is to know:

What is the V3 Trader?

Also referred to as the Triple-V Trade Protocol, the V3 Trader is a trading service that aims to help investors skim well over 4000 stocks to pick the top 100 that stand out. The selected 100 are said to have a special feature in common, which allows them to be grouped as “elite” stocks. Developed by Tom Gentile, this protocol doesn’t exist elsewhere and is expected to return double, or even triple times one’s initial investment.

Who is Tom Gentile?

Introduced as one of the world’s leading authorities within the field of stocks, futures and options trading, Tom Gentile is said to house nearly 30 years of experience. To date, he is viewed as an individual who spends a good amount of time developing the most advanced and essential investing tools. This has since been reflected in his ability to make money grow in the billion-dollar ranges.

His career in investing started back in 1986 and with time he became a known figure in the American Stock Exchange. In 1993, him along with his partners started Optionetrics, known today as the leader within options education. Having taught over 300,000 traders on how to spot high probability and low risk trade opportunities, he wishes to take a similar approach with the V3 Trader.

What does becoming a V3 Trader member mean for me?

As per the claims made, the “perks” of becoming a V3 Trader member outweighs the cons. Here is a basic idea of what one can forestall:

V3 Trader Alerts: Investors will be emailed an average of 4 alerts per week, with a guaranteed minimum of 200 trade recommendations per year. Each alert informs investors on the opportunity present, its volume and detailed instructions on how to go about investing.

V3 Profit Alerts: While the trade alert indicates the stocks to pick, the profit alerts inform investors that the time has come to cash-in one’s profit (time to sell).

V3 Daily Trading Action Videos: Each video will provide a breakdown of the market along with stocks that have been on Gentile’s team’s radar. Additionally, the team will revisit previous recommendations and expound on their positions.

The V3 Trader Octagon: Gentile will show investors how to trade live. The aim of this particular service is to show investors real-time analysis of how he approaches trading.

The V3 Fast-Start Video Series: The video series will teach investors everything there is to know in regard to trading including inside tips, and the rate at which one’s money is surely to rise.

The V3 Trader Forum: A V3 Trader-focused community that brings all members together. This is a great opportunity to discuss about volume surges, as well as vector and velocity confirmations.

The V3 Trader Hotline: 24/7 access to Gentile’s customer service team.

The V3 Trader Summits: Every year, Gentile claims to host a summit in which members will be invited to network with other investors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does “V3” stand for?

The three V’s are volume, velocity and vector. These are what Gentile’s approach to trading has been founded on. How are stocks picked? As per the claims made, the “best” stocks are selected if they have a volume surge of over 300%. Additionally, the stock’s direction (vector) and speed (velocity) of movement within the market is assessed – the trio combined spits out Gentile’s recommendations.

Is there a money-back guarantee in place?

According to the claims made by current members of the service, there is a 90-day money-back promise in place.

Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my subscription?

The best way to resolve any concerns regarding one’s subscription plans is to contact customer service. This can be done in one of two ways: either by calling 1 (888) 384-8339 or by sending an email to

Why am I not receiving mail/email from you?

If this is the problem, again, informing customer service is the best way to go about it. That said, the only things being sent by mail are the Money Map Report and Energy Advantage, everything else should be emailed. With emails, it is always best to check if it has fallen into the spam folder, as this is most often the case.

Will I be penalized for unsubscribing to the V3 Trader?

As long as investors cancel a couple of days before the next payment has been scheduled, there are no penalties. The decision to unsubscribe is entirely up to investors, which will be supported by the team.

Is this the only service Gentile offers?

No, it seems like Gentile is the publisher for 7 services altogether. Besides V3 Trader, other options include Power Profit Trades, Fast Fortune Club, Money Calendar Pro, Weekly Cash Clock, Microcurrency Trader, and Alpha-9 Trader.

How much does it cost to become a V3 Trader Member?

Normally, it costs $5000 per year to become a member, but this has now changed to $1,450 per year. This price reflects the aforementioned perks along with monthly double down plays and the chance to gain $2.2 million – free of charge.

Is V3 Trader a legitimate service?

Based on the analysis above, one would deem this to be an ideal service given Gentile’s experience and the listed perks. Who can forget the drastic reduction in membership fees along with the money-back guarantee in place. However, investors who have registered as a V3 Trader member have since addressed a number of issues they’ve faced on Stock Gumshoe.

The one concern many addressed is in regard to Tom’s promise of a 95%-win rate. Existing members deemed that on average, most of his recommendations have not performed up to par. Next, customer service is deemed useless, as most questions go unanswered. Many have witnessed losses, which is something that needs addressing. As for those who have made money, they supposedly sold out well before Tom alerted them to. That said, investments are risks and this is something everyone is signing up for regardless.

At the end of the day, listening to recommendations blindly is not going to help make gains. Investors should also put in some time to see why such a recommendation is being made. In doing so, one may catch a pattern in both good and bad picks.

To learn more about the V3 Trader service offered by Tom Gentile, click here.


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