Tim Sykes’ Millionaire Challenge: Penny Stock Trading Strategies for Students

Tim Sykes' Millionaire Trading Challenge is part of the celebrity penny stock trader's secret VIP success strategy status for helping new students learn how to earn and generate profits with over 20 hours of training.


The Tim Sykes Millionaire Challenge is a money-making program that teaches investors how to make a major profit with exclusive access that they must apply to qualify for. The challenge includes advice on penny stocks that have helped other people to become millionaires already, though the pace is slow and steady.

Tim, who is one of the most well known penny stock traders in the world, is also hosting his 9:30AM Profits Summit to help investors discover the best strategies and methods of “morning dip buying.” Click the link below to register for that event happening on May 27, 2020 at 8PM ET where Timothy Sykes will be explaining his new Morning Profits service.

Click Here to See Tim Sykes 9:30 AM Morning Profits Summit

What Is Sykes' Trading Challenge All About?

There are few wishes greater than the desire to be rich. Entire empires and businesses have been built upon schemes or tricks to increase profits but getting there is always the tricky part. People who are serious about being rich have to take steps to become it. After all, dreaming of a big pile of money isn’t quiet all there is to make the dream come true. There has to be motivation and drive to get the work done, or that lofty goal stays a dream.

Tim Sykes, known as the guy who made millions from his bar mitzvah money, has developed a trading challenge that focuses on helping the average trader become a rich one. He’s already schooled multiple students in these techniques, and his Millionaire Challenge is mostly about teaching a new group of students the same techniques that have worked before. The membership is exclusive, and all who apply will not be accepted.

Through this program, students will have to take in a lot of knowledge to actually find success. The program highlights Sykes’ own experience with penny stocks, teaching consumers how to properly make a profit from them with proven techniques. Sykes himself has become a millionaire through the lessons that he will teach, but he is only interested in guiding serious investors. Much like his Supernova training and Morning Dip Buying strategies that will be outlined in the 9:30 AM Profits Summit, Tim is all but a legend in the world of being a forward-facing, straight to the point, no BS type of trader, trainer and talent.

Sykes has decided to collaborate with a few other successful investors, including trader Tim Grittani and former student Michael Goode. With their combined lessons, becoming a profitable and rich trader won’t be simple, but it will be much more attainable than without them.

Registering for the Trading Challenge

To get involved with the challenge, the user will need to sign up on Timothy Sykes’ website with their email address, clicking the orange button that says “Yes, Tim! I want to work with you.” After submitting their email address, the user will be sent to an application with six steps, asking for their contact information, why they want to use the stock market, their current financial situation, willingness to change their habits, and more.

Once the user completes this registration application, it is submitted to the challenge, and the user gets a reply back in their email. Though the typical amount of time it takes to process these applications is about 7-10 days, Sykes states in the email that it is possible to expedite this process by becoming a VIP.

In the days following the application, Sykes says to expect new steps to be emailed to them in the following days, though individuals can start right away with “Trading Foundations.” Trading Foundations is a digital book by Sykes that can be downloaded from the email directly.

VIP Membership

Signing up for the VIP membership gives consumers instant access to the training, pushing them to the top of the application line. VIP membership costs $197, but anyone who buys it is automatically given priority over regular applicants, along with access to over 20 hours of beginner-level content.

VIP members are also given access to some of the webinars for the Millionaire Challenge that are not offered to the public, and they will have access to a trading book that has tips that the top traders don’t know about.

There are clear advantages to getting the VIP membership over the regular application, but much of the information is the same.


Tim Sykes Millionaire Challenge offers a simple and easy way to make a major profit with the guidance of Sykes and his team. However, not every consumer is guaranteed a spot, because the application process is selective. With these odds and the chance to be a VIP with instant access, the only way that seems to guarantee users a spot is the paid-only VIP membership.

Click Here to See Tim Sykes 9:30 AM Morning Profits Summit


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