Lightning Trend Trader: Oxford Club’s Marc Lichtenfeld Stock Investment Advisory

Marc Lichtenfeld's Lightning Trend Trader is the financial investors latest Oxford Club trading advisory where the research service teaches traders how to ride the lightning in the biotech stock market.


Investing during the middle of a crisis can seem daunting, especially for consumers that are new to the industry. However, there are plenty of stocks that presently hold the potential to make major profits in the coming months and years. There are even stocks that most people wouldn’t take a second look at, but a lucrative membership to Lightning Trend Trader could serve as a guide.

Created by Marc Lichtenfeld, Lightning Trend Trader teaches consumers to “ride the lightening,” which essentially means that consumers will learn about the factors that can send a stock rising up. As he describes these findings, profits will come easily to consumers as they learn about looking for the “lightning” to “strike.”

The majority of these recommendations for consumers will include the biotech sector, even if the stocks don’t look like they are on their way up. However, their appeal has a lot to do the fact that they are each facing an event that will soon surge their price. The event could be any multitude of things, including an FDA filing, an earnings release, a new product, etc.

The recommendations that Lichtenfeld make for consumers are based on two factors that indicate “an upcoming binary event” that will move stock. He also seeks out the stocks that haven’t moved much in recent weeks, positioning them for major gains when the stock finally moves. To be clear, the stocks aren’t just short-term investments; consumers that follow along with the recommendations will be holding onto the recommended stocks for weeks and even months.

As users participate in this membership, they will receive weekly updates on the portfolio. However, if any new events occur, Lichtenfeld states that he will issue another alert to members.

Additional Content Available With Lightning Trend Trader

To ensure that consumers get an adequate amount of content for the price they pay, Lichtenfeld has included several bonus reports. Those bonus reports include:

  • How to Become a Drug Royalty Millionaire in 1 Year
  • The Genesis Cure: How to Profit from the Biggest Medical Breakthrough in History
  • The Safer Painkiller: How to Capture a 1,000% Profit on the Next Biotech Blockbuster
  • How to Become a Drug Royalty Millionaire in 1 Year: shows consumers the name of a drug royalty company that could help consumers receive a 3,000% bonus in their profit. It also describes ways to reduce the risks associated with this investment.
  • The Genesis Cure: How to Profit from the Biggest Medical Breakthrough in History teaches consumers about a technology that could change the DNA of humans and eliminate 4,800 diseases.
  • The Safer Painkiller: How to Capture a 1,000% Profit on the Next Biotech Blockbuster shows consumers the ticker symbol and story behind a company that is attacking the opioid crisis in the world today. Their painkiller is patented and safe for consumers that need pain relief, but without the addictive qualities of other options.

Purchasing a Subscription to Lightning Trend Trader

With the purchase of a subscription for $4,000, consumers will have access to two full years of Lightning Trend Trader, as well as:

  • Access to the free reports
  • At least one recommendation on a “lightning strike” stock each month
  • Exclusive access to a password-protected website with Lightning Trend Trader
  • Weekly updates via email
  • Direct access to the VIP Trading Services Team

If the user finds that these trading opportunities don’t suit their needs, they will need to reach out to the customer service team.

For More Information

Even with the information available online, consumers may want to know more details before they get involved. The customer service team can be reached with an email to


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