Katusa Research War on Gold: How to Profit from a Gold Price Shock

Marin Katusa's Katusa Research issues urgent market alert about The War on Gold and how to use a proven strategy to profit from the biggest gold bull market of all time using the respected trader's best ideas.


Marin Katusa, the famous gold investor and New York Times Best Selling Author, sees two scenarios happening in the next near period:

  1. Gold has a $1,650 – $1,750 raise in price in the next 12 weeks
  2. The price for gold goes down in the following 12 weeks

In the meantime, on April 23, Bank of America raised the target price for gold. The good news here is that Katusa Research has the best portfolio of gold companies, which are 6 in total. Marin expects these companies to be already bought in 18 months, meaning they are going to bring the best royalties in the gold investing business sooner than later.

Meanwhile, 2 other mid-tier producers in the Katusa Research portfolio are going to continue leveraging the gold price, so they will rise higher and after, even higher.

Let's take a look inside the new “THE WAR ON GOLD 2020: Emergency Briefing” by Marin Katusa as a research service that teach investors how to position your gold stock portfolio before the upcoming gold bull market run.

What’s the Offer for the Katusa’s Resource Opportunities Program?


Even at the normal price, the Katusa’s Resource Opportunities can be considered a bargain, seeing that only one of Marin’s recommendations can pay for many subscriptions to the program. However, the first 199 people who hurry to register to Katusa’s Resource Opportunities will be offered a $1,500 discount, which means they will pay only $1,99 7 a year for Marin’s best work.

Visitors can also optin for Marin Katusa's Resource Market Millionaire ebook that shows how to invest like an insider and make a fortune in the natural resource market.

What Does the Katusa’s Resource Opportunities Program Has to Offer?

Included in the Katusa’s Resource Opportunities Program, there is:

  • The Monthly Issue, which arrives in the email inbox every month, offering Marin’s open positions in the future plays and resource markets, also his research on the companies in which his researchers are investing
  • The 3 Best Gold Stocks to Own in 2020, a detailed report on Marin’s top 3 gold holdings. A 4th gold holding bonus may arrive too
  • Special Reports, which are being published periodically and give all the details for specific sectors that could bring investors great profits
  • Interim Alerts revealing the trends for the best market’s opportunities of making money. These alerts indicate the gains that would take months or years to bring amazing returns, but when addressed by Marin Katusa, they take only a few days to bring the same gains

What Else Does the Katusa’s Resource Opportunities Program Has to Offer?

A membership to the Katusa’s Resource Opportunities program has a lot of FREE other things to offer, such as:

  • Access to Marin’s Personal Portfolio from the Katusa’s Resource Opportunities. This gives investors the opportunity to invest at the same time with Marin, according to his insights on price and terms. It will reveal the companies in which he’s investing his own money
  • Katusa Research Members Area FREE Access, which is a 24/7 access to the official Katusa’s Resource Opportunities website
  • Effective Customer Service for anyone who has questions about their Katusa’s Resource Opportunities membership during the office hours, at Pacific Time. The Customer Service team at Katusa Resource is always ready to offer subscribers to the Katusa’s Resource Opportunities members support regarding any matter, from investing strategies to inquiries about their membership and evolution


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