Great American Reset (2020): Jim Rickards, Robert Kiyosaki’s Strategic Intelligence for The New Case for Gold

The Great American Reset of 2020 features the Strategic Intelligence financial newsletter research service and also Jim Rickards' The New Case for Gold book along with Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki.


Two financial gurus, Jim Rickards and Robert Kiyosaki, recently attended a virtual event, called, “The Great American Reset of 2020,” hosted by Pete Coyne. During this event, the trio discussed the American economy since COVID-19. According to the statements presented during The Great American Reset of 2020 with Paradigm Press' Jim Rickards and Rich Dad Poor Dad's Robert Kiyosaki, the economy is currently free falling, and much of the country’s manufacturing activity has dropped to new lows. Given the negative impact, the duo trust that the worst is yet to come before things get better.

This partnership presents The New Case for Gold book as part of the Strategic Intelligence newsletter service that The Great American Reset of 2020 presentation falls back on.

Rickards argues that the country’s GDP dropped significantly since COVID-19, but the same speed in rising is less likely. The reason for this is namely fear. Many consumers are scared to catch the virus, so they are less likely to eat out. Consequently, restaurants are sure to suffer because one) people aren’t going, two) the seating plan has decreased for social distancing, and three) the lockdown brought in very little revenue. Now with massive unemployment and increased bankruptcies across different sectors, the American economy will need time to recover.

Kiyosaki voiced a similar sentiment, adding that, “I know people are hopefully thinking that all this will just bounce back and happy days will be here again […] But I think things have changed […] permanently and that’s why it’s going to take a while I think for people to adjust.”

All that being said, the duo is set on the following five steps towards financial stability:

  • Buy “The Currency of Last Resort”
  • Protect your portfolio against a stock market crash
  • Get rid of three ticking time bombs in your portfolio
  • Consider buying five of the most recession-proof stocks
  • Protect your family against a complete breakdown of society

Want more details regarding these five steps? They can all be found in Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence. The purpose of this review is to unravel the different layers of the Strategic Intelligence service so that investors have a clear sense of what to expect. Let’s begin:

What is Strategic Intelligence?

Strategic Intelligence is a monthly research service and a goal of protecting investors from a potential collapse of the dollar. In addition to his preferred stock picks, Rickards will unveil poor performers and tips and tricks to secure one’s funds in the safest way possible. Much of his advice is said to founded on his predictive tool called “complexity theory,” which alerts one of collapse.

Who are Jim Rickards and Robert Kiyosaki?

Jim Rickards

Jim Rickards (or James G. Rickards) is the editor of Strategic Intelligence. He has since earned a name for himself as an American lawyer, economist and investment banker with nearly 40 years of experience on Wall Street. His clientele is quite diverse, as it includes a mix of institutional investors and government executives. As an NYT best-selling author, Rickards has made a lasting impression through his books, which comprise of The New Case for Gold (2016), The Death of Money (2014), Currency Wars (2011), The Road to Ruin (2016) and most recently, Aftermath (2019).

Robert Kiyosaki

Considered a finance guru, Robert Kiyosaki got heads turning with his best-seller, Rich Dad Poor Dad (1997). To date, he’s put together 25 financial guidebooks and worked as a financial educator, entrepreneur, investor, real estate mogul, and motivational speaker. If that’s not enough, he achieved all this by running his Rich Dad Company.

What does Strategic Intelligence membership include?

Once investors sign up to the Strategic Intelligence membership, they will have immediate access to Rickards’ book called The New Case for Gold. In it, the expert claims to share a handful of gold bullion dealers and the reasons why Americans don’t trust them. Also, members will come to learn of different portable assets that store value as good as gold, the global threat to the dollar, and why gold prices are likely to soar.

Also, individuals will gain immediate access to a one-year subscription to Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter for free. Every month, Kiyosaki will send his take on financial or economic events and the number one investment opportunity he’s come across.

Furthermore, Rickards will make five dossiers (valued at $261) available for free. These include:

#1. The $4 Company Behind the Last Pure Silver Mine in the World

Rickards’ team supposedly found a company that is currently trading at $4. This very company is trusted to help increase one’s investment by ten times because its silver mine is extensive, has an estimated worth of 7.4 billion dollars, and its stock is expected to rise by 1,010% within a year.

#2. My #1 Way to Profit from Falling Stocks Even in a Great Depression

In this dossier, Rickards will go over the notion of “crash contracts” and how to use them to protect one’s money. Crash contracts are a type of investment found within the derivatives market. Its ultimate goal is to serve a similar role to that of insurance but on one’s portfolio.

#3. Ticking Time Bombs: Stocks to Avoid During A Market Crash

The name is self-explanatory here, as Rickards’ third dossier lists stocks that investors should avoid altogether. These companies have been chosen based on their lack of cash, increased debt, and are on the brink of having no value to them.

#4. Five Recession-Proof Stocks to Buy Right Now

Although some companies are sure to go bankrupt, there are others that are poised to shine brighter than they ever did. This dossier includes companies that have high returns on invested capital.

#5. How to Make Your Home Your Fortress

The end goal of making money is to protect oneself and, of course, family. This dossier prepares individuals for the worst by sharing several strategies that enhance safety no matter the setting. Some of the tips include building a panic room, increasing home security, six steps to surviving a crisis, social media mistakes to avoid, and so on.

As for the actual facets of Strategic Intelligence, individuals will be provided with:

  • 12 monthly issues filled with Rickards’ best ideas on an ongoing basis
  • Rickards’ model portfolio including safe investment positions in stocks, bonds, cash, art, and other hard assets
  • Email updates on market trends and the value of the dollar
  • Access to his customer service team

How much does the Strategic Intelligence membership cost?

The Strategic Intelligence membership cost varies based on the selected subscription plan. Here’s a quick summary of the different packages available today:

  • Basic Subscription: $49 for a one-year, digital-only subscription
  • Premium Subscription: $129 for a one-year, digital PLUS print subscription
  • Best Subscription: $79 for one-year, digital PLUS print subscription PLUS bonus reports

Each of the aforementioned subscriptions has been backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. Also, if individuals choose to “Lock In This Deal” closer to the end of one’s subscription, the same rate will be charged (i.e., no price hikes). To contact customer service regarding the special subscription plans and how to lock prices for future years, here are ways about doing so:

  • Promotion Code: LAWNW725
  • Phone: (844) 370-6638
  • Email:
  • Mailing Address: 808 St. Paul St. Baltimore, MD, 21202

Final Thoughts

Strategic Intelligence is a newsletter that focuses on ways to recover from an economic downturn. In it, individuals will be able to familiarize themselves with measures that protect their money, model portfolio, and their financial standing, among others.

As the saying goes, there are always two sides to everything, and this is the case with a potential collapse in the dollar. What makes Rickards’ approach unique here is that he will continue to inform individuals of both the good and bad. This is not the scare anyone, but rather to protect them so that everyone can easily overcome the effects of a weak economy.

In terms of the subscription plans, the prices are fair, given that they fall within the lower end. To think that for $49, one can gain access to different reports offered, and insight on Kiyosaki’s approaches to investments via his Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter is encouraging. Ultimately, members will be getting two services for the price of one, which is valuable. To learn more about Strategic Intelligence and how to take advantage of this new promotion, click here.


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