2020 Battle for the White House Chess Set is Ready for Public Release

The 2020 Battle for The White House is a historic commemorative chess set that features Republican President Donald J. Trump and Democratic nominee figures with a certificate of authenticity.


The 2020 American election has been scheduled to take place in November and the one question that is surely scrambling in one’s mind is: Who will be the next president?

For the time being, it seems like former Vice President, Joseph R. Biden is deemed the convincing Democratic nominee to challenge President Trump this year. That said, a rather interesting collectibles game has been created to commemorate this election. It is none other than the 2020 Battle for the White House Chess Set.

What is the 2020 Battle for the White House Chess Set?

The 2020 Battle for the White House Chess Set is a play on the standard game of chess. Instead of the usual white versus black, we have the Democrats facing off the Republicans.

In place of the different pieces such as pawns, knights, bishops, rookies and the queen, there are number of political leaders involved, some of which include House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Pawns in this chess game include elephants for the Republicans and donkeys for the Democrats. Knights are either on donkeys or on elephants. Justices include Brett Kavanaugh, Sonia Sotomayor, Chief Justice John Roberts, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg – all of whom serve as bishops.

Other major figures include former president, George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, along with former President Barack Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden who will serve as rookies.

What makes the 2020 Battle for the White House Chess Set unique?

The 2020 Battle for the White House Chess Set is a limited-edition collectible worth keeping, as it reflects American politics in an enjoyable board game format. What makes this game unique is that it equally represents members of the three branches of government. Who can forget the 32 pieces, all of which have been designed with precision and colors true to the American flag!

It also includes two empty podiums belonging to the Democratic party. This has been done so that once we know who the democratic nominees for president are with certainty, then the chess set will be complete.

How much does the 2020 Battle for the White House Chess Set cost?

There are two pre-order offers currently in place and they are as follows:

  • Single Offer: $39.99 plus $9.99 S&H
  • Double Offer: $39.99 plus $9.99 S&H plus $19.99 for the second set
  • Each set also comes with a numbered certificate of authenticity.

Final Thoughts

The 2020 Battle for the White House Chess Set is surely to be a fun twist on the traditional game of chess especially for those who are heavily invested in politics. This appears to be an investment worth grabbing onto, as it not only reflects politics but America as a whole. While it may not be the investment of the decade, this historic and commemorative 2020 White House chess set is rare and unique and will be finalized once winners are announced. Additionally, this game can be used to teach the younger generation on the different roles each figurine has or continues to play in American politics. As for its price, it is reasonable, as chess sets usually range anywhere between $10 and $40.

To find out more about the 2020 Battle for the White House Chess Set, visit here or contact customer service at (855) 789-4109.


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