Tim Sykes Morning Profits: Millionaire Penny Stock Trader’s Picks

Morning Profits by Tim Sykes is a new stock market investment program where the penny stock trading expert shares the 'morning panic' secrets in order to make major profits and winning returns.


What is Morning Profits by Tim Sykes?

The Morning Profits membership service is launching on May 27, 2020 at 8PM ET by the well-known penny stock trader, Timothy Sykes.

While details about Tim's Morning Profits program are still being revealed, and this review of Sykes' new membership research service and newsletter will be updated with more pertinent details, here is what is known so far.

The use of penny stocks to make a small profit has been an option to consumers for years, and it has helped many people to make a little extra money in their portfolio. But what if these penny stocks could do even more? With a Morning Profits membership, Tim Sykes aims to show investors how they can take advantage of these panic stocks at the opening of the market each day – which Sykes calls “morning panic” – to make a major profit.

With Morning Profits, consumers have access to a virtual moderated trading room, allowing them to interact directly with Sykes for details on real-time trading. As an entrepreneur, Sykes managed to earn $1.65 million with day trading when he attended Tulane University. After graduating in 2003 with a bachelor’s degree, he continued working at the hedge fund that he developed in his senior year called Cilantro Fund Management. His success even landed him a place on Trader Monthly’s “30 Under 30,” which featured up-and-comers in the market. With the skills and the tips he’s learned, this membership will help subscribers to have success as well.

While there are many people who believe that this type of program is a scam, Sykes doesn’t shy away from showing full transparency with his claims. He offers real-time trade alerts and has had many successful students from his programs. His success has also allowed him to found the Timothy Sykes Foundation, which has partnered with multiple charitable organizations and has raised $600,000.

But, before finalizing a proper Morning Profits review, it is important to get to know Tim and hear about the Sykes story so interested investors of penny stocks and the stock market in full, can know what to expect.

Who is Tim Sykes?

Tim Sykes

Timothy Sykes is a stock trader known for making his fortune through penny stocks and day trading.

Sykes rose to fame for investing his bar mitzvah money in penny stocks, purportedly turning $12,415 into $5.1 million over 20 years, becoming a self-made millionaire at 22.

Today, Sykes wants to share his success story with the world. He sells various investment advice products online – including a guide to trading penny stocks. He’s active on social media, frequently publishing blog posts, YouTube videos, and flashy Instagram posts. He has also launched various trading challenges.

Sykes also offers two subscription-based services, including a $75 per month and $150 per month option. Subscribers get access to stock tips and educational materials.

Is Timothy Sykes the real deal? Or is Timothy Sykes yet another penny stock scam artist? Let’s take a closer look at the real story behind Timothy Sykes.

Who is Timothy Sykes?

Timothy Sykes is a 39-year old investor born in Orange, Connecticut on April 15, 1981.

Sykes graduated from Tulane University in 2003 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and a minor in business.

In 2003, Sykes launched a hedge fund called the Cilantro Fund using $1 million “mostly from his friends and family”.

Sykes launched TimothySykes.com, his personal blog and website, in 2007, and has been expanding his online presence ever since. The website explains Sykes’ investing philosophy, including his approach to penny stocks.

Today, Timothy Sykes runs Profit.ly, a community of over 84,000 traders. The community shares trades openly, allowing you to see each trader’s success or failure over time.

Sykes also runs Investimonials.com, a community of 65,000 investors and traders who review financial products, including blogs, brokers, newsletters, websites, financial advisors, and more. Sykes sees it as “like Yelp or TripAdvisor but for finance”.

Timothy Sykes’ online businesses are registered under the name Millionaire Media, a Miami-based LLC.

Sykes currently works as a financial activist and educator.

How Did Timothy Sykes Become a Self-Made Millionaire?

Timothy Sykes earned his first $1 million by age 22. He explains how he did it in seven free video lessons available online.

Essentially, Sykes invested his Bar Mitzvah gift money ($12,415) into the right stocks. He claims he skipped classes in college to trade penny stocks.

Sykes is vague about his early success. However, he claims he made his fortune through a combination of short selling, penny stocks, and day trading.

Sykes started a hedge fund in his senior year of college, although it seems he used money from friends and family – not his personal savings – to start the fund.

Soon after he graduated, Sykes was officially a self-made millionaire.

As of April 2020, Sykes’ portfolio sits at $5.1 million. You can view the trades he made to turn $12,415 into $5.1 million at his Proft.ly profile here.

How Does Sykes’ Trading Strategy Work?

Sykes’ trading strategy is based on a combination of short-selling, day trading, and penny stocks.

Sykes identifies penny stocks that he believes will fail, then short sells these stocks over short-term periods. By consistently identifying stocks that are likely to fail, Sykes can consistently generate profit.

Sykes’ trading strategy is different from conventional investing wisdom. He claims to focus on short-term gains and rapid rises – not slow, long-term results.

At one point, Sykes tried to tailor his hedge fund to a longer term approach. It didn’t work:

“…my trading strategy was never very scalable (meaning it’s much easier for me to make $100,000 than it is $100 million) and my fund lost 35% when I tried long-term investing instead of trading.”

Sykes believes short-selling penny stocks is an easy way for any investor to turn a small amount into a much larger amount. It’s not ideal for investors with larger portfolios, but it can be an effective way for smaller investors to quickly make gains – or lose everything.

Timothy Sykes Products

Much of Timothy Sykes’ advice is available online for free, including videos, reports, and basic education materials.

For those wanting to take the next step, however, Sykes offers two paid subscription services, including Tim’s Alerts and Pennystocking Silver.

Tim’s Alerts ($74.95 Per Month / $697 Per Year)

By paying $74.95 per month, subscribers get access to Tim’s alerts. Tim will send subscribers notifications explaining when to buy or sell certain stocks. There’s a daily stock watchlist with 5 to 10 stocks, and subscribers receive alerts throughout the day to maximize profits and minimize losses.

You access Tim’s Alerts through an iPhone and Android app, receiving push notifications through that app. Subscribers also receive SMS and email alerts.

Key features of Tim’s Alerts include:

  • Daily chatroom access
  • Daily 5 to 10 stock watchlist
  • Realtime SMS, email, and push alerts
  • Realtime “ProfiDing Trade Alerts”
  • Save 24% with annual subscription

Pennystocking Silver ($149.95 Per Month / $1,297 Per Year)

Pennystocking Silver is an upgraded and expanded version of Tim’s Alerts. It’s twice the price and includes the same standard features, but with access to Tim’s library of educational videos and other training materials.

  • Key features of Pennystocking Silver include:
  • Key features of Tim’s Alerts include:
  • Daily chatroom access
  • Daily 5 to 10 stock watchlist
  • Realtime SMS, email, and push alerts
  • Realtime “ProfiDing Trade Alerts”
  • 6,000+ video lesson library
  • Weekly video lessons

Are the video lessons worth an extra $75 per month? That’s up to you to decide. However, Sykes has published several training videos on YouTube for free, including this one. The videos explain Sykes’ trading philosophy while giving actionable tips.

Timothy Sykes and Penny Stocks

Timothy Sykes is a big believer in penny stocks. In fact, he claims to have made his fortune through penny stock day trading.

Penny stocks are controversial. Some see penny stocks as a type of gambling. Yes, it’s possible to earn huge returns through penny stocks. It’s also just as easy to lose everything.

Sykes doesn’t shy away from this controversy. Here’s how he explained penny stocks in an interview with Mint:

“Ninety-nine percent of the civilized world hates penny stocks, because 99% of penny stocks are scams or are destined to fail.”

Sykes claims that “insiders and promoters” advertise certain penny stocks as “the next Microsoft” or “the next Exxon”. Gullible investors scoop up the stocks, then get disappointed when the stocks plummet to zero.

Sykes claims he’s made “millions of dollars mostly by betting against such scams via short selling”. By short selling, Sykes profits from the failure of these companies.

“You could say that my strategy is the inverse, and is similar to the rational and successful strategy of buying quality companies at undervalued stock prices. We both wait for the market prices to catch up with reality; mine is just the opposite of what most people ever consider.”

Sykes is also a public critic of “pump and dump” scams, where promoters advertise one stock en masse, generating hype, and then sell the stock at its peak.

Timothy Sykes’ Hedge Fund

Timothy Sykes’ hedge fund has attracted some controversy. Sykes launched his hedge fund, “Cilantro Fund Management”, in his senior year of college.

The hedge fund launched with $1 million “mostly from his friends and family”.

Sykes claims his hedge fund was rated by Barclay as “the number one long-short microstock hedge fund in the country”.

This is true but deliberately misleading: a small Iowa-based research company in Iowa named “the Barclay Group” praised the Cilantro Fund. The Barclay Group has no connection to Barclay’s, the world-famous British bank. On Sykes’ website, he brags about having an endorsement from “Barclay” without clarifying the issue.

Other Tim Sykes Trading Tips

We’ve hinted at various parts of Tim Sykes’ trading strategy above. Here are some other trading tenets promoted by Sykes:

Buy into some hype, but not all of it. If you believe a breakout is real, then buy into it.

Penny stocks aren’t for everyone. Investors with large portfolios, for example, have little to gain by investing in penny stocks.

Avoid trading based on mid-day spikes, especially during a bear market. Be patient and trade in the afternoon. You might miss some entry opportunities, but you’ll be protected from random or false spikes.

Don’t try to salvage trades by hanging on and hoping the tides flow in your favor. If the price movement of a stock goes opposite of what you expect, then exit the market.

Avoid shortselling based on feelings. Analyze price action to determine the right entry point.

Filter market noise to avoid false spikes.

Traders with smaller portfolios should focus on lower priced stocks (like penny stocks) to maximize gains.

Timothy Sykes Charity Work

Sykes has launched several charitable initiatives.

Sykes founded the Timothy Sykes Foundation, for example, which raised $600,000 and has partnered with Make-a-Wish Foundation and the Boys and Girls Club.

In February 2017, Sykes donated $1 million to Pencils of Promise, a non-profit dedicated to building elementary schools in Ghana, Guatemala, and Laos.

Sykes also co-founded Karmagawa, a charity dedicated to protecting animals, preserving natural resources, and helping those in need around the world.

In 2019, Sykes partnered with filmmaker Amir Zakeri to create the documentary “50 Minutes to Save the World”, which highlighted the state of coral reefs.

Is Timothy Sykes a Scam?

Timothy Sykes makes big claims about his results. He famously claims to have turned $12,000 in Bar Mitzvah money into a $5 million portfolio.

This claim is hard to verify. Many have criticized Sykes’ claim, suggesting he exaggerated his trading results. Sykes’ Profit.ly page shows how he turned a $12,000 investment into his current portfolio, although it does not explain the original trades that led to his large portfolio (he launched his new model portfolio in 2009 proving he could turn $12,000 into a massive windfall, for example).

Sykes is also criticized for some shady marketing practices. He claims his hedge fund was rated by “Barclay” as one of the world’s best hedge funds, for example. However, his hedge fund was not rated by world-famous UK bank Barclay’s; instead, it was rated by a small Iowa-based research firm called Barclay.

Some also criticize Sykes for his flashy social media presence. He posts photos with stacks of cash, exotic cars, private jets, and women in bikinis, for example.

However, Sykes’ social media is also filled with photos of his charity work, including his work saving animals around the world. Most of the photos show Sykes traveling the world with his laptop. He doesn’t overly resort to the same, cheap social media tactics used by other financial gurus.

Overall, Timothy Sykes does not seem to be a scammer or scam artist. He has some questionable claims about his earnings, and some of his marketing practices seem shady. However, there are plenty of worse examples in the “financial guru” space.

Additional Questions

Even with the information that consumers can find online about Morning Profits, they may want to ask other questions about the content and tips. Along with the access to the support team, consumers can separately reach out to Sykes by calling 866-567-9537 or by filling out the contact form on his website at https://www.timothysykes.com/contact/.

Final Word

Timothy Sykes is a financial guru with an investment portfolio of $5 million, which he purportedly started with $12,000 of Bar Mitzvah money.

Sykes became a self-made millionaire soon after college, eventually launching his own hedge fund. Today, Sykes focuses on training, sharing his tips through his official website and social media presence.

Aside from Morning Profits, Sykes also offers two subscription-based services, including a $75 per month and $150 per month subscription service. By signing up, you can get hot stock tips, investment advice, and other recommendations.

The Morning Profits Picks newsletter by Tim Sykes is the newest research service to hit the market and will be for a great watch and learn come May 27, 2020 at 8PM ET.

To learn more about Timothy Sykes' Morning Profits, click the button below:

Tim Sykes Morning Profits


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