The Crow’s Next: Jimmy Mengel’s American-Made “Blue Gas” Tesla Killer Research

Outsider Club's senior analyst Jimmy Mengel releases The Crow's Nest research report on the Tesla Killer about a tiny stock behind the fuel cell technology that is making American-Made Blue Gas.


Jimmy Mengel, the senior analyst for Outsider Club LLC, explains in a recent video that there’s a “blue gas” that is being made by a US-based company that doesn’t use fossil fuel or any of the familiar sources that consumers know today. It doesn’t take long to pump, and it may even allow a vehicle to drive for weeks before needing to be refilled.

In fact, the fuel is allegedly making Tesla’s creator – Elon Musk – nervous for the future of his vehicles, and for good reason. After all, stock in this fuel could end up trading higher than the world-famous car company in the next few months, making it crucial for investors to get involved.

What is The Crow's Nest?

The Crow's Nest by Jimmy Mengel just released its latest report that says The “Tesla Killer” is here and could now make batteries obsolete. The premise is based on “American-Made “Blue Gas” Has Elon Musk Furious!” and could make its way to be one of the greatest investments due to a tiny stock that is the engine behind this technology.

The analyst explains that this isn’t a stock that will wait for years to make a profit. Instead, blue gas – a.k.a. the “Tesla killer” – will start bringing in massive gains much sooner. There are already German trains, heavy machinery, and Japanese busses (to name a few) that are already using blue gas for their power. Still, semi-trucks are the next source that is planning to utilize blue gas, considering the substantial number of these vehicles that are on the roads today to distribute supplies to consumers worldwide.

the crows nest tesla killer report

As it stands, blue gas is only used by about 11,000 vehicles that are on the road, but that number is expected to surge to 10 million vehicles through the next 20 years. Investing in a stock that will soon be taking over cars and trucks is a surefire way to make a profit, but what do consumers need to do? How does the average investor get involved in such a nascent stock?

As Mengel explains, he has created a report that explains everything, but consumers can only access it by enrolling in a subscription to The Crow’s Nest.

The Crow’s Nest is meant to teach consumers simple methods of controlling their own finances. It will educate readers on the ways that they can buy stocks, plan for retirement, or even just invest their money in smart ways. Mengel has already found great success with the Wealth Wire investment website, and there are many articles that are coming straight from this website to The Crow’s Nest.

What Comes With a Subscription to The Crow’s Nest?

the crows nest tesla killer

When consumers get involved with The Crow’s Nest for $139, they get access to:

  • 12 issues (one for each month) of The Crow’s Nest newsletter.
  • Access to all recent research reports
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If the user finds that this program isn’t giving them the opportunities that they need or desire, they can reach out within 30 days for a full refund.

Learn More

Jimmy Mengel, who runs both The Crow’s Nest and The Marijuana Manifesto research services, invites all investors a chance to claim his 100% winning portfolio service that is headlining with the opportunity to make 1,000X your money with the Tesla Killer stock due to the fuel cell technology that will revolutionize the electric car industry.

Even though there’s already a lot of details online, consumers can contact the Outsider Club’s customer service department at 877-303-4529 or


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