Kakao Ground X Unit releases Klaytn Testnet

Kakao Ground X Unit releases Klaytn Testnet
Kakao Ground X Unit releases Klaytn Testnet

Ground X, which is a blockchain subsidiary of South Korean's mobile platform Kakao, has released the testnet version of Klaytn, a platform which desires to improve the improper UX of current blockchain platforms by enabling end-users to experience blockchain technology in a flawless way.

Ground X announced on Monday that the Klaytn testnet was presently open for around ten partners including firm from different industries such as entertainment, gaming, social media, video streaming, and finance. The company thinks to expand the Klaytn testnet operation solely to partners and selected providers at the time. The firm will make its source code public in the near future, and the Klaytn mainnet will release in the first Q1 of 2019.

Jason Han, who is the CEO of Ground X said, “The popularization of blockchain means that it’s imperative to provide a practical blockchain service for mass adoption that validates the value and utility of blockchain technology.” He further added, “In order to achieve this, Ground X has designed Klaytn so that it can provide an easy and friendly ecosystem for users, service providers, and developers all at the same time.”

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As per Ground X, Klaytn UX removes wallets, private keys, and cryptograph address to reduce the issues of blockchain technology for end-users. Klaytn allows improved speed and performance of the dApps (decentralized applications) to be made freely available for various users. The block interval, which consumes 1 hr for Bitcoin and some minutes for Ethereum, has been reduced to less than 1 second with up to 1,500 TPS (Transaction per second).

Klaytn also splits CNs (Consensus Nodes) and RNs (Range Nodes) to separate roles by which consensus and block replication. Consensus Nodes, which consists of service providers are liable for works related to higher responsibility and consensus, however, Range Nodes download newly created nodes which don't require consensus.

Klaytn also consists of tutorials and toolkits important for the blockchain-based service development. The toolkit consists of Kyaltn wallet, which enables the user to safely guard and transfer their coins created on Kyaltn, KlaytnScope, which allows users to track all the activities on Klaytn along with block creation and transaction. It also includes BLASQ, the blockchain co-working community where user's blockchain related questions, as well as answers, are awarded with tokens.

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GroundX thinks to boost its BLASQ as a blockchain community service where developers can join and work on the Klaytn ecosystem. GroundX also wants to improve its Klaytn wallet and Klaytnscope by which all the operating services and data are made transparent to the users. GroundX also plans to improve its existing services and simultaneously launch new toolkits which can use blockchain technology for new services.



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