Jeff Bishop’s Strategic Investor Summit: Portfolio Accelerator Blueprint

The Strategic Investor Summit by Jeff Bishop is the trading expert's gateway to the Option Profit Portfolio Accelerator with Jordan Belfort, Howard Lindzon and Allan Marshall starting April 17 to the 21, 2020.


Jeff Bishop and some of the brightest minds in the stock trading industry have decided to team up and to show investors how they can take advantage of the current market. He also wants to talk about how he expects to increase his portfolio 10 times over in the next 3 years.

Attendance to the Strategic Investor Summit is FREE at the moment, but as soon as seats will fill, the joining fee will be $349, which is a sum many are willing to pay in order to find out how Jeff is going to the increase his portfolio 10 times in the 3 years that are about to follow. This exclusive series is a 5-day event.

Check Out Bullseye Trades by Jeff Bishop

Who Is Jeff Bishop?

As a stock trader, Jeff Bishop has been trading stocks for more than 20 years. Accumulating so much experience, he managed to put together the perfect strategies for him to become more and more successful as far as profiting from trades goes. He’s specialized in 2 trading system types that include ETFs and options.

When putting together a stock trading system, it can be noticed that these 2 systems are very similar. What should also be known about Jeff is that he’s a trusted figure, also a member of the MENSA. MENSA is the exclusive organization that accepts only people with a high IQ scores as members.

Jeff is not only intelligent because people and MENSA say so, he also holds a Finance and Economics degree from the University of Texas. Furthermore, he has published some very popular articles on many of the biggest stock trading platforms and blogs from all over the world, Seeking Alpha included. While his net worth is not publicly known, the fact that he’s a multi-millionaire who made all his profits from stock trading is something many people have acknowledged.

4 World Class Investors Will Be Present at the Strategic Investor Summit

4 of the best minds in the world of stock trading are going to be present at the Strategic Investor Summit, where many things will be learned and witnessed. Jeff is going to share his latest investing annual, interview some of the giants in the stock trading industry and train the people who participate LIVE!

Is There a Timetable?

The timetable goes as it follows:

  • April 17, the event starts and the 10x Portfolio Blueprint is presented.
  • On April 18, there will be an interview with The Wolf of Wall Street, no other than Jordan Belfort.
  • On April 19, the StocktTwits co-founder Howard Lindzon will also be present for an interview.
  • April 20 has the founder of XPO Logistics, Allan Marshall, interviewed too.
  • On April 21, Jeff Bishop will present his Portfolio Accelerator.

There’s no time to waste, Jeff Bishop’s Strategic Investor Summit needs to be joined now! Participants will be pleasantly surprised by many other things that Jeff has prepared for them. As said before, the access is FREE for now, but not for too long.

Check Out Bullseye Trades by Jeff Bishop


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