Healthcare is moving towards Blockchain

Healthcare is moving towards Blockchain

Despite the fact, various individuals on different sides of the political spectrum probably not agree regarding what is done to fix the U.S health care system, only some would probably debate that sector is facing a lot of issues currently.

In order to solve health care system, the process will take a long time and it will need support from groups belonging to the different industry like business, science, and politics. Until now, debates have been carried out on large-scale issues running in the industry. To solve these issues, new software has been developed which allow secure, quick transmission and storage of health records.

Apart from this, many parts of the healthcare industry are using technology and practices which can be fairly considered as obsolete. Some of these include pagers and fax machines. A large number of people agree with the 2016's report provided by the Government Accountability Office, recorded by HowToToken indicates that the outdated health care computer systems cost more money to industry and also risks the lives of patients. As per the latest details, health care will be widely benefited by blockchain.

How Will Blockchain be useful for Healthcare Industry?

John Halamka, who is the chief information officer at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, described that patient details are being stored at different locations, hence it becomes very hard to access at critical times. Blockchain will transform the way the data is stored and transmitted. As Blockchain technology offers safe and secure cryptographic database and digital ledger for quick transactions, it can be the best solution for the healthcare industry.

Using Blockchain, health care systems will be able to store medical records privately, changing patient’s data across multiple systems and locations in real time along with secrecy. By this, the industry will save a lot of time and thereby invest the time invention instead of the management.

Blockchain Technology is already in Testing Phase

Some of the companies have already used the blockchain to improve the health care system. Currently, none of these actions are being implemented on a national level.

Hashed health is one company which has implemented blockchain. With the help of blockchain, Hashed health creates a free and open community for health care experts to debate and partner in an effort to examine blockchain's uses in the industry. Also, the firm offers an advisory branch to support health care organizations about how blockchain can be incorporated in health care industry. Lastly, the firm has also developed a lab in which it focuses on building new blockchain related solutions to issues which have annoyed the health care industry.

MediRec is the second company which has used blockchain. MedRec runs a transparent peer-to-peer ledger which allows providers to track files as well as information smoothly. Also, the services permit direct communication with patients. Various clinicians, facilities, and entire healthcare systems are connected via a single platform hence allow quick transmission of information.

DYNOTICS, is the third company who has implemented blockchain. The firm allows individuals to get their current state of fitness, along with direct feedback and a single location for all data.

Apart from this, various other countries are looking to transform the health care industry by using blockchain. Will the above practices help to solve the issues of health care industry? This we will observe in the near future. As these companies are implementing blockchain, we hope that the health care industry progresses quickly with the help of these effective solutions.


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