Fry’s Investment Report: Eric’s Secrets of the Richest Zip Code Portfolio Winners

Fry's Investment Report by InvestorPlace's Eric Fry shares the 'Secrets of the Richest Zip Code' where investors can get the inside scoop on The Portfolio Purge, The 1,000% Portfolio and The Next 1,000% Winner.


Editor, Eric Fry recently took to a “Secrets of the Richest Zip Code” presentation in the desire to unveil an investment opportunity he deems to be a potential 1000% winner. Speaking specifically in regard to the technology sector, Fry quotes a futurist and tech fame, Ray Kurzweil who highlights that a technology’s growth is not linear but shows a “dramatic” increase during a stage coined “the growth stage”.

One might wonder where Fry is going with this and the answer to that is, Fry’s Investment Report. In short, the editor trusts that there’s a new breakthrough technology that is expected to generate high profits for investors. As a result, one will have to rid their portfolios of some companies that use outdated technology and replace it with his recommendations.

Here’s what we know about Fry’s Investment Report so far where interested individuals can learn the 3 new critical resources for learning how to take full advantage of the most important money-making trend in America right now:

What is Fry’s Investment Report?

Fry’s Investment Report is a financial newsletter where Eric Fry serves as the editor. Rather than focusing on micro-analysis, which entails looking specifically at the numbers (i.e. P/E, income statements, and other company details), he is motivated by macro analysis. This is best known as looking at the overall picture of investment opportunities – i.e. from the global, top-down perspective rather than doing an individual analysis.

Hence, members will come to learn of business cycles, disruptive technologies, stock valuations, geopolitical events, and others that shape his decision-making processes.

The latest edition of Eric Fry's Investment Report is about the Secrets of the Richest Zip Code where “Where an Alarming New Trend is Making People Millions” and the senior macro-investing analyst at InvestorPlace does not want you to get left behind.

Who is Eric Fry?

Eric Fry is an international equities specialist and former Wall Street hedge fund manager who has been awarded for his stock-picking approaches. With roughly two decades of experience as a portfolio manager, Fry is said to excel when it comes to short-selling and of course, international investment strategies. To date, his thoughts and insights have been included in a number of resources including the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and Time to name the least.

What will I get by becoming a member of Fry’s Investment Report?

Upon becoming a member of Fry’s Investment Report, individuals will immediately gain access to three reports. The first, called, “The Portfolio Purge,” lists 25 popular companies that investors should not own and four to buy. The reason for this simply rests in the fact that the technology that they use are outdated. Next, he’ll go over a two-part test that can be applied to any investment. If the test passes, it implies that the investment is solid.

The second report “The Next 1000% Winner,” which unveils details regarding a supposed, profitable technology in the world right now. He highly recommends that investors hold a big position on this recommendation and hold for at least 5 years to maximize the profit-generating potential.

And finally, The “3,000% Technology Revolution” — There’s a radical new shift in technology that’s quietly transforming our world… but is receiving almost zero coverage from the mainstream press. It has nothing to do with self-driving cars, 5G, or anything like that. But these three leading companies will forever change the way we live our lives and could easily soar by 1,000% in as little as 12 months. They are very quietly producing simply enormous gains for folks who know how to get in on them.

Other perks of joining this financial newsletter’s basic membership are as follows:

  • 12 investment recommendations per year
  • Recommendations that focus solely on stocks that fall under global macro analysis
  • Weekly market updates and flash alerts
  • Full access to the Eric Fry Library which has a collection of his special reports and recommendations

How much does the Fry’s Investment Report membership cost?

Originally priced at $149, Fry decided to reduce the price of the Fry’s Investment Report membership down to $49. In addition, members are entitled to a 30-days money-back guarantee.

So, if before the first 30 days one finds that Fry’s recommendations have either underperformed or don’t suit one’s investment strategies, it is a matter of contacting customer service and requesting a refund. Here’s how to go about doing so:

  • Email:
  • Phone number: (800) 219-8592 (Domestic) or 1-717-207-9729 (International)
  • Mailing Address: 1125 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201

Final Thoughts

Fry’s Investment Report is an entry-level, monthly newsletter than uncovers stock picks deemed “big picture trends” with big moves in diverse sectors. With Eric Fry as the editor, individuals will come to learn of his strategies, top 1000% winners, and which stocks to avoid altogether.

As for its affordability, the service has been reduced to $49 which is relatively inexpensive. Although the money-back guarantee appears to be useless – as 30 days could either suffice or fail to give a complete picture of Fry’s abilities – the price is still fair and there’s the option to cancel the subscription should one need to.

A rating of 3.7 stars out of 5 has been given to this service based on 31 current members. While the pool is relatively small, it gives some sense of how people are reacting to it. Simply put, members, for the time being, appear to be generally satisfied with Fry’s approach. The one drawback that has been mentioned is his tendencies to contradict.

Particularly, it was shared that he reveals in one report to hold over the long run but ends up telling members to sell. That said, individuals need to bear in mind that this is the nature of investing. What was once considered a long-term position could easily change depending on how the company and even the sector performs.

Ultimately, Fry’s Investment Report could be used as an educational tool in comparing micro and macro analysis, while at the same time building upon one’s model portfolio. To learn more about what Fry currently has to offer, click here.


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