Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint Investment Report by Eric Fry

Eric Fry's Investment Report Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint is the newest edition where the financial advisor says to not buy or sell anything until reading the research and using the techniques outlined in the trading manual.


The bear market is a scary place, especially considering that the majority of people are not prepared for it. This market change happens frequently but getting ready for the next time it happens will be the smartest choice that any investor makes. Eric Fry, a 30-year veteran on Wall Street and considered America's leading “Bear Market Survival Expert”, has created a new investment report guide called Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint, and it is being touted as the best solution for thriving the next time it happens.

What is Bear Market 2020: Survival Blueprint Investment Report?

Fry, who is a top analyst at InvestorPlace, is more than just someone who is familiar with the ways of Wall Street. He predicted the dot-com crash that happened 20 years ago, while bringing consumers twice the profits that they had before. He predicted the housing crisis that happened eight years later, and again helped to deliver investors from the damage. With consistent performance through each of these changes over and over, Fry aims to help consumers to overcome the next bear market with a little preparation.

In Bear Market 2020, Fry will be showing consumers the three essential tactics that they should use to prepare themselves for the worst that has yet to come. Each of these steps takes very little time, and they include:

  • Learning the technique that Fry says will help survive any of the bear markets that the future faces.
  • Owning a tool to fight the bear market that Fry says is a “survival weapon.”
  • Make an “inflation-proof” and “crisis-proof” income stream.

The creator of this program will talk about a massive savings mistake that a surprising number of people make, but that they should completely avoid. He credits the banking industry and many other reasons for people losing out on the money they could be making. However, Fry will help consumers overcome these roadblocks, making it possible to avoid that massive hits to the value of their dollar.

While there are many people that panic in a time of crisis, Fry has consistently found ways to promote a better financial portfolio. That’s why, in addition to the tips that consumers get from Bear Market 2020, investors will also get bonus guides and additional content.

The Whole Package: What’s Included with Bear Market 2020

When consumers purchase the Bear Market 2020 guide, they are getting much more than just a guide, even though that guide is already packed with helpful information. They will also get:

  • 12 issues of the Fry’s Investment Report

The Fry’s Investment Report is a monthly newsletter that publishes on the second Thursday of every month. The updates weekly will show consumers any new recommendations that arise.

  • BONUS: A report called 2 Gold Stocks Every Investor Should Own (Even If They Don’t Like Gold)

2 Gold Stocks Every Investor Should Own (Even If They Don’t Like Gold) will show how consumers can see massive returns without using a ton of capital to do so. Plus, these two gold stocks are guaranteed to see a spike, making the report necessary for anyone seeking to make massive profits in the market.

  • BONUS: A report called 3 “Brown Bag” Stocks That Could Kill Your Retirement

3 “Brown Bag” Stocks That Could Kill Your Retirement shows three stocks that investors need to stay away from to keep their portfolio safe. The companies described are incredibly stressed to the financial brink of ruin, and there are many websites that have claimed it to be necessary. Basically, the guide protects consumers from this mistake.

  • BONUS: a report called 3 ETFs You Must Own Today

2 ETFs You Must Own Today includes several tech funds that are growing fast. With this pace, Fry believes it is possible to use them as a hedge against the market’s volatility, even if only slightly.

  • Weekly updates and flash alerts for Fry’s biggest recommendations
  • Constant access to a support team that is exclusive to the Fry’s Investment Report

Purchasing the Bear Market 2020 Bundle

To get the guide and all of the other content, consumers will have to buy it directly from the official website for $49, which gives consumers the basic membership.

While the basic membership includes everything listed, consumers can pay $89 for the Pro Membership as well, which includes access to Eric Fry’s Roundtable Summit to discuss new trends and ideas about the industry.

If the user finds that this program isn’t the right plan for their financial goals, the company has a 90-day money-back guarantee that will give them a full refund. However, if the user wants a refund, they have to give up access to all of the digital content.

To Learn More

Any questions about a current membership or future one can go to the customer service team, which can be reached by either calling 866-363-5769 or sending an email to


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