Alexander Green’s The Oxford Communiqué: Single-Stock Retirement Plan

Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist with The Oxford Club, shares the latest updates about The Oxford Communiqué where the financial researcher reveals the Single-Stock Retirement Plan.


In a rather old presentation dubbed, “Son of a Police Officer Shocks the World,” editor Alexander Green shared the potential a single $3 stock has in generating wealth. He refers to this stock as the “Single-Stock Retirement Plan,” as it entails a cutting-edge technology that changes how society functions, carries increased usability, possibly protected by patents, has the ability to pay out enormous dividends and obviously, a low share price.

The opportunity at hand allegedly belongs to a firm that has signed deals with a number of big names including Cisco, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Sharp, Nintendo and Apple to name the least – with a prospective revenue of $34.5 billion. Want dibs on this opportunity? This is where it is best fit to introduce The Oxford Communiqué.

What is The Oxford Communiqué?

The Oxford Communiqué is a financial newsletter that informs individuals on stocks that have a profit-generating potential. Ultimately, the recommendations provided may serve as the foundation to one’s retirement wealth.

Who is Alexander Green?

Alexander Green is the Chief Investment Strategist at The Oxford Club, the senior editor of The Oxford Communiqué and also runs other newsletters including The Momentum Alert, The Insider Alert and Oxford Microcap Trader.

His expertise has since been rewarded by the Hulbert Financial Digest, who has ranked his newsletter as being one of the top performing investment letters to date in the last 15 years. He also has a number of national bestsellers under his belt including The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio, The Secret of Shelter Island, Beyond Wealth and An Embarrassment of Riches.

What will I get by becoming a member of The Oxford Communiqué?

Every month Green promises to help members increase their retirement wealth. More specifically, members will be provided with Green’s insights on not only stocks but also the economy, interest rates, and business developments to name a few. He claims to provide in-depth details on trends witnessed, which will be based on his team’s ability to track Wall Street money flows. Other perks include:

The Multimillionaire’s Handbook: Discover the Secret Ways to Live Like a Millionaire

Inside this bonus book, individuals will learn how to build a $1 million-plus 401(k), how to add $3000 to one’s social security payments, how to clear one’s credit card debt, and how to pay off one’s mortgage 20 years early among other tips.

Beyond Wealth: The Road Map to a Rich Life

Beyond Wealth: The Road Map to a Rich Life is one of Green’s national bestsellers. In this book, Green covers topics beyond money and dives into other aspects of life including love, work, honor, trust, freedom, death, truth and others that are timeless.

HD Video Set of Millionaire-Maker Private Sessions

These are series of videos that Green recorded to share with his members. Some of the topics that one will come across include his strategies, his successful career as an investment analyst and how he was able to build his respective retirement wealth.

Access to all of The Oxford Communiqué trading portfolios

The Oxford Communiqué trading portfolios entail the all-star portfolio, and the ten-baggers of tomorrow portfolio. Weekly portfolio updates will also be provided with new information regarding Green’s recommendations.

Oxford Insight emails

The insight emails serve as alerts for members. To be more specific, it involves the Oxford Club team’s “behind-the-scene” works, and their network of associates. Members can also visit the members-only website, attend member events and listen in on experts’ perspective on collectibles, real estate, tax law, and insurance.

Special Reports

Special reports include The Secrets of the 401(k), The Oxford Club Guide to Gold, and 23 Cash Rebate Programs Hidden in the Tax Code.

How much does The Oxford Communiqué membership cost?

The original price of The Oxford Communiqué membership is $249 per year. That said, for a limited time, Green is currently offering a risk-free subscription to his newsletter for $49.

Should the service not meet one’s expectations, there’s a full year, 100% money-back guarantee in place. In addition to a full refund, Green is also offering “My Additional $100,000 Portfolio Guarantee.” This guarantee supports members who weren’t able to add at least $100,000 to their portfolios over the course of one year. In this case, Green will not only refund one’s membership cost, but he will also give an additional year of the service for free.

Final Thoughts

Overall, when it comes to Green’s approaches to investing, it seems like he tends to stay away from diversification and focuses primarily on specific industries of choice. Hence, this service might not be for anyone looking to expand their portfolio.

A factor that makes The Oxford Club and their services desirable is that they have been around the longest compared to most of the services offered today. Given their reputation and the perks associated with becoming a member, the discounted rate of $49 is quite inexpensive. The same can be said in regard to their original price of $249, as most services cost $1000 on average per year.

As for the advertised $3 stock that has been trading under a secret name, it is none other than Foxconn, as per the Founder of Stock Gumshoe, Travis Johnson. The secret name for Foxconn is revealed as being Hon Hai. Since last year the stock has been declining and was unable to generate meaningful share price reports Johnson, with its current price sitting at 53.10 TWD.

Bearing all of the aforementioned in mind, members have voted Green’s service as being 3.5 (out of 5 stars), which is decent considering the fact that it reflects an average to slightly above average score. For the most part, individuals seem to have been satisfied with the overall quality of analyses provided and found that the service carries value for the price paid. Furthermore, many members expressed that Green has been honest and informative, especially when it comes to the potential risks attached.

Ultimately, it is up to the investor to decide whether to follow through on a recommendation or not. Services like that of The Oxford Communiqué are meant to do all the heavy work but again, given that risks are unavoidable, doing further research can be beneficial.

To learn more about The Oxford Communiqué, click here or contact customer service at 866-237-0436 or



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